Eri's Surgery

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"Hi, Kacchan!" Izuku called out to the blonde entering the hospital. "Hey." Bakugou mumbled while walking over to the teen. He leaned in for a kiss but Izuku turned his head slightly making it so Bakugou kissed his cheek.

"Do you want to help me with the laundry?" Izuku asked while shaking the laundry basket filled with blankets and bedsheets. While shaking the bin he used his shoulder to wipe his cheek.

"...Fine." Bakugou mumbled and took the bin away from Izuku and started to walk to the laundry room located downstairs.

The two made it downstairs and Bakugou started to put the sheets in the washing machines while Izuku took the clothes out of the dryers and started to fold them.

Once Bakugou was done he walked over to Izuku and started to help him fold the clothes.

"Hey, Izuku." Bakugou said breaking the silence that was between the two. "Yeah?" "Is there something wrong?" Bakugou asked and Izuku just shook his head while looking down at the clothes he's folding. "Why would something be wrong?" "You've been avoiding me ever since that fight with your mom." Bakugou said and looked at the younger teen to see him tense slightly.

"...silly if I was avoiding you we wouldn't be down here together." Izuku smiled but the frown just grew on Bakugou's face. "You know that's not what I meant..." Bakugou told him and lowered the shirt Izuku was folding so he could stop and look up at him.

"You never told me what happened after I left. Did she say something to you?" Izuku kept his eyes down while he bit his lip. "Hey." Bakugou said gently and reached out to caress his cheek but he turned away. Bakugou pulled his hand back and stepped away from him. He turned back to the clothes on the table and started folding them again.

Izuku looked over at him guilt completely washing over him. He opened his mouth to say something but he quickly closed it and bit his lip. He looked back down and started folding the clothes again trying to think of what he should say.

"...Do you...not like me anymore?" Bakugou mumbled being the first one to break the silence yet again. Izuku's eyes went wide as he dropped the shirt he was going to fold.
"W-What!? Of course I still like you! Why would you ask me that!?" "Because! *sigh* You won't let me hold your hand, or hug you, or even kiss you anymore. If you still like me then whats wrong? You know you can tell me." Bakugou told him and Izuku frowned slightly.

"...You know how when we first meet I told you that I don't like physical contact..." Izuku said quietly while staring down at the floor. "Yeah...wait are you feeling uncomfortable now?" Bakugou asked him and Izuku slowly nodded his head. "I uh thought I could handle it but I guess not..." "*sigh* Why didn't you just say that?" Bakugou sighed out while combing his hand through his hair. "I really thought I did something wrong." He mumbled.

"So you're not upset?" Izuku asked while looking up at him. "Why would I be? I mean it would have been nice if you just told me instead of instantly shutting me out but if it makes you uncomfortable then I'll respect that." Izuku smiled at this making Bakugou smile as well.

"So I can't touch you at all?" Bakugou asked trying to see what Izuku will be comfortable with. Izuku reached out and wrapped his pinkie finger around Bakugou's finger. "I'm okay with a little contact." Izuku said and smiled up at him. "Let me know when I'm crossing a line, okay?" Bakugou told him and he nodded.

A Few Days Later
Bakugou walked into the kids area to see most of the kids playing together with some of the toys they got for Christmas. Izuku was there playing with them to keep them company.

Bakugou was about to join when he noticed Eri sitting by herself at one of the tables. She had a box of crayons laid out in front of her along with some pieces a paper. She had a frown on her face while taking a red crayon to color something in.

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