Thanksgiving Party

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💚Deku💚- It's already 3 in morning and I still haven't finished my project😓

Deku that thing is due after break you're fine-

💚Deku💚- But I always do my projects early
💚Deku💚- I blame you and your constant texts

Just go to bed nerd-

💚Deku💚- Coming from the one wanting to be a doctor


💚Deku💚- 😆

Night nerd -

💚Deku💚-Goodnight doctor Kacchan ☺️

Today 10:35 am

💚Deku💚-Good luck today!!!😊

Bakugou read the text that Deku had sent him in morning over and over again, contemplating whether or not he should actually go through with it. He let out a long sigh and put his phone back in his jacket packet.

He raised his hands up and hovered his finger over the doorbell. "Here goes..." he mumbled and pressed the button. He waited a few seconds and eventually the door opened revealing Kaoruko.

"You actually came!" She exclaimed while moving out the way so the teen could walk inside. "Yeah well I figured it's a good time to talk." He said while looking around.

"Where's King?" He asked turning to look back at Kaoruko who was closing the door. "Oh he's out back." "Why?" "Well your parents didn't want him in the house because he kept bothering them." "Tch, so as soon as I leave they kick my dog out. I haven't even seen them yet and I already regret coming here." Bakugou grumbled while crossing his arms. "Don't worry I'll go get him and while I do you should head over to the dining room they've been waiting for you." Kaoruko told him and started walking away. Bakugou sighed and slowly began walking over to the dining room.

"Katsuki! You're here!" Masaru exclaimed while walking over to the boy who had just entered the room. Masaru was going in for a hug but Katsuki merely pushed him away. "I hate hugs." He said and started walking to the other end of the table to take his seat. "Oh I didn't know that...m-maybe you could tell us more about what you don't like while we wait for the dinner to be severed!" Masaru suggested while taking his seat at the table.

"I don't like you." Bakugou said while propping both his feet up on the table and crossing his arms. "You walked right into that one honey." Mitsuki said while sketching something down on her tablet. "Tch, you're no better hag you haven't even said hi to me." Bakugou said while glaring at her.

"*sigh* You're right." She sighed out and closed her tablet pushing it away from her. Bakugou watched and his glare towards her slightly dropped. "Hi Katsuki how's your day going?" She asked while looking over at him with a slight smile on her face. Bakugou just scoffed and looked away from her. "Really shitty." "Why is that?" Masaru questioned and Bakugou glared at him. "Because I'm here."

Kaoruko then came in the room with King in tow. Once King saw Katsuki he immediately started barking happily and ran over to the teen. Bakugou took his feet off the table and bent down in his seat so he could pet his dog.

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