The Truth

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Izuku sat in his hospital bed lightly tracing his fingers over the strings of his guitar, finally getting the hang of how to play the instrument.

He was about to start practicing a few chords when his door suddenly burst opened causing him to flinch back at the sudden loud noise.



Izuku stuttered out as his eyes wide in surprise upon seeing the spiky-haired blonde standing by his door.

"W-what are you doing here!?" He stuttered out while leaning the guitar he was playing up against the wall beside his bed. "I should be the one asking you that!" Bakugou said and walked over to the bed Izuku was sitting on.

Izuku bit his lip as he looked away from the blonde trying to figure out what he should say. "I have a really bad stomach ache?" Izuku said while smiling up at Bakugou trying and failing to convince the teen.

"You and I both know that's a lie and I'm starting to think your first 'stomach ache' was a lie too." Bakugou told him while putting air quotes when he said stomach ache. Izuku averted his eyes from the blonde and a small frown appeared on his face. "How'd you find me?" "I was helping sort out files and I saw yours..." Bakugou said and watched as Izuku began to squeeze onto the blanket that was covering his legs.

"Why'd you have to come today..." He mumbled out softly making Bakugou's heart twitch in pain seeing how the greenette who was always happy and excited to see him is now upset and refusing to look him in the eyes.

Bakugou looked around the hospital room,  noticing how it almost looks like it could be someone's actual bedroom. There were superhero posters taped to the walls along with a couple of soccer ones. There were a few action figures standing on top of the dresser which had a small tv monitor above it that was currently switched off. The room also had a window seat which had a couple of throw pillows on it along with a plain green hoodie.

It really would look like a normal kids bedroom if it weren't for the hospital bed which had a heart monitor next to it along with an iv drip.

"You actually live here don't you?"  Bakugou asked looking back down at Izuku who clutched onto his blanket tighter while nodding his head slowly still choosing not to look at the blonde. Bakugou then sat on the edge of the bed so his back was facing Izuku.

"Can you tell me why?" He asked gently and waited for Izuku to respond.

Izuku's mind was buzzing with thousands of thoughts and questions. All about how Bakugou will react if he were to tell him the truth for being at the hospital.

The questions ranged from how much he should tell Bakugou to what will happen to their relationship. This eventually leads Izuku to spiral down in a trail of doubt. He began doubting that Bakugou would still treat him the same way or that he would still want to be with him. Just the thought of breaking up made Izuku start to shake.

Bakugou glanced over at Izuku seeing the boy trembling slightly. He reached out and gently placed his hand on top of Izuku's making the younger boy stop shaking and look up at him. Bakugou gave him a soft smile which seemed to calm Izuku's nerves.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Bakugou said softly and rubbed the back of Izuku's hand with his thumb to try and soothe him. Izuku nodded his head slowly before breathing in and letting out a deep breath.

"I'm...sick." Izuku said making Bakugou snort softly. "I mean yeah I kinda figured." Bakugou said and Izuku shook his head. "No, like I'm really sick. If I was to ever go outside I would probably...die." Izuku said his voice trailing off when he said the last word. Bakugou's eyes widened when hearing this.

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