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Bakugou parked his motorcycle in front of the hospital and went up the steps to the building. 'I actually get to talk to Midoriya today! It won't be so boring anymore!' Bakugou thought while walking into the building a phone case in his hand.

"Phone." Nurse Joy said when she saw the blonde walk in but he had it to his ear and held up one finger telling her to wait. "Yeah, I'll do it when I get back bye."Bakugou finished and handed her the phone which she took and put into her pocket without checking.

"What the hell do I have to do today?" Bakugou asked but he was looking around trying to see if the greenette from yesterday was around. "Nothing much just hang out with everyone and umm oh, could you also come up with a few party games everyone would enjoy on Halloween?" "Yeah yeah sure, that's it?" Bakugou asked while tapping the counter impatiently "Yeah...are you okay you seem distracted?" "Huh, what I'm fine I'm not distra-" "Oniichan where are you going!?" Bakugou turned around to see the little girl that spat in his face yesterday tugging on Midoriya's jacket.

"Eri I told you I'm just going to ask Joy something really quick." "Hmph well hurry up we want to play heroes again!" The little girl said while crossing her arms and pouting making Midoriya laugh a bit. Midoriya then looked up and saw Bakugou staring at them so he smiled making the blondes face turn red as he quickly looked away.

"Tell everyone I'll be right back and that I'm bringing back up!" "Yay!" The girl cheered and ran off back to the children's wing.

"Hey, Bakugou!" Midoriya said in a cheerful tone when approaching the blonde. "H-hey! I see you're not too worried about germs anymore." Bakugou said while pointing to the greenette's mask free face. "Oh the mask yeah I was just wearing it to play doctor with the kids before, I still hate germs though." He smiled with his eyes closed which melted Bakugou's heart.

'I think his smile is cuter than his laugh!' Bakugou thought while staring at the boy's face.

He had freckles dusted around his nose and cheeks like little stars in the night sky. When he smiled little dimples appeared on his cheeks, which also seem to have a naturally pink hue to them. He also has a small gap in between his two front teeth. His lips were a light rosy pink color and they looked soft to the touch.

All in all, Bakugou thought he was really cute.

"So do you want to help me out with the kids? They really want to play superhero's." Midoriya asked the blonde. "Oh, s-sure sounds like fun." He said making the greenette smile once again.

The two then started to make their way to the children's wing. "So is that little brat your sister?" Bakugou asked while they walked down the hall. "Ha, You mean Eri?" "Yeah her. She called you Oniichan earlier." "Oh that. No, she's not my sister I've just been...volunteering here a lot so all the kids call me that or-" "Deku!" Midoriya's sentence was cut off when the kids yelled his nickname.

"Deku?" Bakugou questioned while looking over at the greenette. "It's the hero name they gave me the first time we played superheroes and it kinda stuck." "But doesn't Deku mean useless?" All the little kids then gasped.

"Ow!" Bakugou said while rubbing his leg after a little boy hit him with a toy sword. "Deku doesn't mean useless!" The little boy said while crossing his arms. "Oh yeah then what does it mean kid?" "Deku means someone who is strong!" "And brave!" "And always rises to the challenge!" "They are really fun!" "And super smart!" Eri then got on top of a chair and put a paper crown on Midoriya's head.

"Deku is our hero!" All the kids cheered while smiling up at Midoriya who's face was a bright red. "Haha, this Deku does sound like a pretty great hero." Bakugou said while looking over at Midoriya whose face got even redder.

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