Toy Drive

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"I think this is the last box." Bakugou said while removing a box from the top shelf and placing it down on the counter. "Ooh it's filled with lights." Izuku said while looking inside of the box. "Yeah but they are so tangled." Uraraka said. "Not it!" "Not it!" Both Izuku and Uraraka said while touching their nose. "You've got to be fucking kidding me." Bakugou grumbled making the two other teens laugh.

"Ahh I can't wait to decorate! I love Christmas time!" Uraraka squealed excitedly while picking up a box. "All the presents, treats, the songs, the parties, and no school for two weeks! It's the best time of the year!" She cheered. "Yeah... I just like watching the snow fall." Izuku said while picking up another box. "What do you like about it Kacchan?" Deku asked the blonde who was picking up two of the boxes.

"Uhh it's not really my thing." He grumbled out. "Oh really, how come?" "It's probably because he can get whatever he wants whenever he wants to." Uraraka mumbled before walking up the stairs. "What does she mean?" Izuku asked Bakugou while tilting his head at him only to see him glaring at where Uraraka was.

"N-Nothing she's just being a bitch like usual." He told him making Izuku giggle. "Be nice." "Only to you." Bakugou said making Izuku giggle again putting a smile on Bakugou's face.

The teens brought the boxes upstairs and placed them in the lounge. "Alright let's get this place nice and Christmasy." Uraraka cheered. "Ooh we should put on some Christmas music while we do it!" Izuku suggested. "On it." Bakugou said and pulled out his phone from his pocket and went to Christmas Hits on his Spotify playlist and clicked shuffled. He turned up the volume and Santa Baby (but the Arianne Grande version) began playing.

"Oh I love this version!" Uraraka cheered while grabbing some red tinsel and twirling around with it making Izuku laugh and Bakugou roll his eyes at her.

The teens began decorating the room while some of the elders criticized them ,mainly Bakugou, on their placement while others actual got up and danced a bit to the joyful Christmas songs.

The three eventually finished decorating the lounge and went over to the lobby to decorate. While Izuku was busy hanging up the green tinsel to make it look like a Christmas tree Bakugou began detangling the lights but he couldn't help but glance over at Izuku every now and then since he thought it was cute how he nodded his head along to the songs.

He glanced at him again to see his lips moving this time so he took his phone and turned down the volume.

"🎵Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day you gave it away~ This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone spe...cial?🎵" Izuku sang but looked at Bakugou as soon as he realized the music wasn't playing anymore. "Why did you turn it off?" Izuku asked Bakugou who had his mouth open slightly in amazement.

"I didn't know you could sing!" Bakugou exclaimed making Izuku's face burn bright red. "Uhh y-yeah I do it sometimes b-but I'm not that good..." "Not that good!? Deku you sounded fucking amazing!" Bakugou exclaimed making Izuku look down and blush even more. "Haha *ahem* You think so?" "Yeah! You should sing more often...I like the sound of your voice." "T-Thanks." Izuku mumbled while fiddling and smiling down at the tinsel still in his hands.

Once they were done with the lobby they went over to the kids area and the kids were all excited to help the teens decorate their room.

"Deku Deku Deku!" One of the kids shouted excitedly while running over to the teen. "Ha, yeah?" "Are we going to decorate the Christmas tree after!?" "Oh yeah it's my turn to put the star up!" Eri said while bouncing up and down. "Haha *ahem* We will decorate the tree tomorrow." He told them making all the kids cheer.

"I didn't see a tree when I was looking through the closet." Bakugou whispered to Izuku. "That's because the nurses get a real tree for us to decorate. It's the least they could do since they don't get much presents." Izuku explained while hanging up the paper snowflakes the kids made yesterday.

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