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Week Two

Bakugou trudged out of his bedroom with his backpack lazily draped over his shoulder. He walked down the stairs and started making his way to the front door when King ran up to him and started barking happily.

Bakugou looked down at the Doberman and frowned. "Go away King." He grumbled but the dog continued to happily run around him.

"Look who's finally out of his room." Bakugou turned his head to see Kaoruko walking over to him. "It's been a whole week, what happened?" She asked as she crouched down and started petting King who ran up to her. "Nothing don't worry about it. I'm gonna be late for school." He mumbled and started to walk towards the door.

"Oh no you don't!" Kaoruko said and grabbed the boy's hand. "You've missed school for an entire week I don't think you care about being late." She said as she began to drag him away from the door. Bakugou being too tired to fight back just let it happen.

"Besides you need to talk with your parents they've been worried about you." "There's nothing to worry about..." "Oh I highly doubt that." Kaoruko said as she dragged him into the dining room where his parents were seated at the table.

"Katsuki!" They both stood up and exclaimed when they saw the teen enter the room. "What happened last week!?" Masaru asked as he and his wife rushed over to the boy. "Nothing happened...I'm fine." Katsuki mumbled as he lowered his head down not wanting to look at his parents.

"Oh cut the crap something definitely happened just tell us we'll hear you out." Mitsuki said. "I told you nothing happened I'm perfectly fine." Katsuki said his voice rising ever so slightly. Mitsuki and Masaru looked at each other then at Kaoruko who shrugged her shoulders.

"Did something happen between you and Kirishima?" Masaru asked. "No." Katsuki said as he continued stare down at the floor.

"How about you and Mina?" Mitsuki questioned. "No." Katsuki answered again becoming slightly annoyed.

"Sero?" Kaoruko asked. "No." He said with his voice slightly raised as he clenched his fist together.

"...Denki?" Masaru questioned. "No!" Katsuki yelled his anger getting the best of him.

All the adults paused as they tried to think about what else the problem could be about. They all had a guess but no one wanted to say it in hopes that it wasn't true and that there would be no reason to even question it. But just to be sure Mitsuki asked what everyone was dreading too.

"Did...Did something happen between you and Izuku?" Katsuki stayed silent.

"Katsu-" "YES OKAY! Something happened with me and Izuku! Are you fucking happy now!?" He yelled as he looked up at them with tears in his eyes.

"I fucking broke up with the love of my life and now I feel like complete shit! Is that what you wanted me to say!? I dumped him so he wouldn't get hurt or fucking die because of me! And now I have to suffer the damn consequences! Are you satisfied now!? Can I go to school now and just forget about everything or do you still want more!? What do you want me to tell you that he fucking told me that he loves me and my dumb ass didn't have the fucking nerve to look him in the eyes and say *sniff* a-and s-say *sniff* I love *sniff* I-I l-love-"  Bakugou's voice began to crack as the tears started to roll down his face.

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