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"And then Mr. Yamada came out of the house and started screaming at us but we were teepeeing Aizawa's house! I think they are dating! I totally ship it!" "Mina how many times do we have to tell you to stop shipping our teachers! Maybe Aizawa just invited him over to hang out." "Since when does Mr. Aizawa hangout with anybody all he does is sleep and threaten to expel us and also out of all the teachers he talks with Mr. Yamada the most!" "Mina does have a point Sero. Bakubro what do you think? Bakubro!?" Kirishima yelled at his friend sitting next to him at the lunch table.

Bakugou looked up from his phone and glared at them. "What the hell do you extras want?" He grumbled. "Do you think Mr. Aizawa and Mr. Yamada are dating!?" Mina asked him making him roll his eyes. "Why the hell should I care about that?" He said and looked back down at his phone and smiled when doing so which caught the attention of the others.

Mina nudged her head in Bakugou's direction trying to tell Kirishima to look over at his phone. He got the message and nodded. He slowly started leaning in closer to the blonde to see what he was looking at.

"Pfft Dude is that you in a clown suit!" Kirishima yelled out in laughter making Bakugou lift his head up and push the redhead away from him. "Shut your damn mouth shitty hair!" He yelled getting ready to punch the teen that still hasn't stopped laughing. Mina then quickly grabbed his phone that he placed on the table to see what all the fuss was about. Sero and Denki who were sitting beside her leaned in to see the phone as well.

"Haha, I always knew you were a clown!" Denki joked making Bakugou, who had Kirishima in a headlock, turn to look at him glaring dangers at the dumb blonde. "Haha, I can't believe you wore that!" Sero also laughed out causing Bakugou to glare at him as well.

While the boys were yelling at each other and Bakugou was attacking them Mina kept looking at the picture but not at Bakugou dressed as a clown even though it was hilarious. She was looking at the shorter green-haired boy dressed as a ghost standing right next to him, who in the picture doesn't seem to realize Bakugou was looking at him and that he was blushing. That's when it clicked and she let out a shrill high pitch screech that caused people to look in their direction but quickly ignored it when they realized it was coming from the table Bakugou sits at which is always loud.

"Is this the guy you ditched us on Halloween for!?" She exclaimed while pointing at the boy in the photo. Bakugou's face flushed red when he looked over and saw the picture. "*gasp* You like him!" She squealed seeing the blondes red face. "No, the fuck I don't! And give me back my fucking phone!" He yelled and reached out across the table to get his phone but Mina pulled it away. "Omg, you made his picture your lock screen! You are crushing on him!" She squealed out again. "Shut the hell up and give me my damn phone!" He yelled and finally managed to snatch the phone away from her.

"Dude you got to tell us who he is." Kirishima said. "Yeah, I want to know all about who you're falling in love with!" Mina squealed. "I'm not falling in love with anyone!" Bakugou yelled and glared at his friends but the bright red blush on his face was telling a different story.

"Okay I know we made a bet and all but I'm kinda interested in knowing who he is too." Denki said. "Dude what! No! I don't want to be seen wearing a dress to prom!" Sero said causing both Mina and Kirishima to laugh at their idea.

"I don't have to tell you guys shit!" Bakugou said while crossing his arms. "Come on tell us!" Mina whined. "Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" They all began to chant while pounding their fist down on the table. "Ugh fine! Just shut the hell up already!" He yelled making all of them stop and they patiently waited for him to speak.

"*sigh* His name is Izuku Midoriya he's 16 he has the cutest god damn laugh I've ever heard. And whenever he laughs he does this cute little cough after. When he smiles little dimples appear on the side of his cheeks. His freckles are like tiny stars splattered across his face. He's really nice and easy to talk to and he's pretty funny too. All the kids and old folk there love him. He's always caring and friendly towards them. Which makes sense since he's always happy and whenever I go to the hospital he's always there with a big smile on his face which makes my stomach feel all wired. And whenever he calls me Kacchan it makes me smile and my heart feels like it's going to fucking explode and then I get kinda nervous around him which makes me stutter a bit and..." He stopped what he was saying and his eyes went wide when he looked at his friends who were all nodding and smiling at him.

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