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Week Three

Bakugou was aimlessly walking down the street, just letting his feet take him wherever they wanted to go. Little did he know that walking around absentmindedly would lead him to standing in front of the very last place he wanted to be.

'I shouldn't be here.' Bakugou thought and felt his heart drop when he looked up at the familiar white and gray building.

'I need to leave... so why am I walking towards the doors?!' Bakugou thought as he walked up the steps to get to the front doors. He shakily turned the handle and walked inside. His nose was immediately hit with the familiar chemically clean smell which made him frown.

He walked up to the front desk where Nurse Joy was busy looking through some files. She looked up and frowned at the blonde walking towards her.

"Bakugou." She said as she closed the folder she was looking through. "Hey Joy." Bakugou said while looking down unable to meet her gaze. "What are you doing here?" She asked him coldly making Bakugou flinch slightly from the tone he's never heard before.

"I don't know, b-but can I... *sigh* can I talk to him?" Bakugou asked managing to lift his head up and look at the pink haired adult. "I don't think he's in the mood for visitors." She told him flatly. Bakugou bit his lip and looked back down as his fist clenched together in frustration.

"Please?" Bakugou said softly his body trembling as he did so. Joy's gaze on the blonde softened. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. "Okay, I'll ask him just wait here." "Thank you." He thanked her with a small smile on his face which made her frown slightly. "Don't thank me just yet." She told him right before leaving.

While waiting for Joy to come back Bakugou decided to head over to the children's wing. He was able to hear their faint laughter as he approached the room door. A small smiled appeared on his face remembering how he and Izuku would play with all of them.

He made it to the room and stood by the doorway. "Hey guys." Bakugou said making the kids stop what they were doing and look over at him.

"You're back..." one of the boys mumbled as he lowered the superhero toy he was holding. "Ha yeah...umm so how's it- ow!" Bakugou said as he held his side. He looked down to see a superhero toy on the ground. "Why'd you throw that at me?!" Bakugou asked as he looked back up at the kids to see them all frowning and glaring at him.

"You made Deku sad!" The little boy yelled and the other kids nodded in agreement. "Yeah you hurt his feelings!" Another boy said while throwing a toy car at Bakugou who just dodged it.

"I didn't want to make him upset!" Bakugou yelled as he tried to dodge all the toys now being thrown at him.

"You're such a meanie!"

"Leave us alone!"


"Get out!"

"You aren't our friend anymore!"

"Guys come on listen to m-" Bakugou's sentence was cut short when he got hit in the face with a teddy bear. The bear slid off his face and landed onto the floor. Getting hit by a stuffed animal may not have hurt him but the kids words...

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