New Years

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💚My Izuku💚

💚My Izuku💚- Maybe you'll have fun this time!

Doubt it-
I just want to watch the fireworks with you-

💚My Izuku💚- Me too
💚My Izuku💚- Next time okay 😁

😞 -
Fine -

💚My Izuku💚- Just text me when you get bored which will probably be in the next five minutes


💚My Izuku💚- 🧡

Bakugou smiled at the last text before walking up the steps and ringing the doorbell.

"Katsuki!" Masaru said while opening up the door to the blonde's surprise. "Where's Kaoruko? She usually gets the door." Katsuki questioned. "Oh, we sent all the staff home to celebrate with their family so it's just us this time!" "Great." Katsuki grumbled while trudging inside.

"Where's King?" Katsuki asked while looking around the foyer his dog nowhere in sight. "Oh, he's outback with your mom." "Why?" "Oh, we're having dinner outside tonight." Masaru said and started walking to the backyard Katsuki reluctantly following right behind him with his arms crossed.

"Why aren't we eating in the dining room? Let me guess you guys are renovating it or some shit like that, right?" "No. It just felt too...stuffy." Masaru said quietly making the teen uncross his arms.

The two walked outside and passed their luxurious pool, which was covered up for the winter season, and walked up the small hill behind it. Once they made it to the top they saw Mitsuki sitting on a blanket petting King who was lying down next to her.

"Well, it took you boys long enough! The foods probably cold!" She yelled jokingly at the two. "Haha sorry dear." Masaru said and sat down next to his wife while Katsuki sat down across from them.

"So Katsuki this was your last day of community service right?" Mitsuki asked while opening up the containers of food and making everyone a plate. "Umm yeah but I'm still gonna go." "Really? But you're not causing any more trouble like before and your behavior at school even your grades have improved." Masaru said which caught Katsuki's attention. "You noticed that?" "Of course! I asked Kaoruko to completely fill me in on everything you've done and it felt awful knowing all of that was a cry for our attention. It felt worst when she told me about the year you did nothing at all almost like you just gave up." Masaru said quietly making the teen look down.

Katsuki was going to be 15 that year. He tried so many things the previous year to get their attention but to no avail. That year was the year he completely shut out the world. He didn't go to school at all that year which is why he ended up staying back. He never left his house. He never talked to anyone. He was just there wandering around the place like a body without a soul. But when the next year came around he was back to normal. He even ended up meeting a couple of kids who he now reluctantly considers his best friends.

"But then you started acting out again and that made me happy even though I know it shouldn't it did. And now you've stopped again but not because you gave up but because you're trying to be better." Masaru concluded and smiled at the teen. "We all are trying to be better." Mitsuki said while handing Katsuki his plate of food.

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