We Need To Talk

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Don't play the song yet please!

'If we breakup he'll be so much safer. I won't have to worry about him leaving again because of me. Yeah, we're better off apart.' Bakugou thought as he stood in front of the greenette's door getting ready to face reality.

He shakily reached his hand out to turn the handle. He grabbed his hand to stop it from shaking and took a deep breath in to try and calm down. 'Stop freaking out Katsuki you've done this like a hundred times before, what's one more...' Bakugou thought as he halfheartedly opened the door.

"Kacchan!" Izuku happily exclaimed when the teen entered his room. Bakugou gave him a small smile in return but his heart throbbed in pain seeing him lying in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of machines with different wires sticking out from him. 'Yeah, this will be for the best.' Bakugou thought as he walked over to the greenette.

"How you feeling?" Bakugou asked him as he went and sat at the end of the bed so he could face Izuku. "I'm fine! Honestly, I don't even remember what happened yesterday." "You don't remember anything at all?" Bakugou questioned and Izuku shook his head. "Well, I know that I went outside and I was with you. But that's just one big blur along with everything else." Izuku said and Bakugou nodded his head while looking down.

There was a short silence between the two before they both spoke up.


They said at the same time making Izuku giggle while Bakugou just smiled. "You first." Bakugou told him making a big smile appear on Izuku's face.

"I wrote you a song!" Izuku said excitedly and reached out to grab his guitar by his bedside. While he was reaching out to grab his guitar a small frown appeared on the blonde's faces as he felt his heart drop.

"W-why would you do that?" Bakugou asked as Izuku began to turn the pegs of the guitar so it could be in tune. "Well you always got me great gifts and I couldn't get you anything before... but now I finally have something for you!" Izuku said and smiled up at him making Bakugou's heart briefly twinge in pain.

Bakugou was going to say something to stop the boy from singing but he was too slow. Izuku looked down at his guitar and started to strum the strings. He closed his eyes and took in a breath getting ready to sing.

(If you know the melody of 'Perfect Two' that's what he's singing.)

"🎵Oh oh oh oh~ yay yeah yeah~ You can be the peanut butter to my jelly. You can be the butterflies I feel in my belly. You can be the captain and I can be your first mate. You can be the chills that I feel on our first date. You can be the hero and I can be your sidekick. You can be the tear that I cry if we ever split.🎵" Bakugou's heart twinged in pain when he heard Izuku sing that line knowing that after this song he has to tell him.

"🎵You can be the rain from the cloud when it's stormin. Or you can be the sun when it shines in the mornin. Don't know if I could ever be without you cause boy you complete me and in time I know that we'll both see that we're all we need~🎵" Izuku sang making the forced smile on Bakugou's face wavered slightly as his heart felt like it was being stabbed.

"🎵Cause you're the apple to my pie. You're the straw to my berry. You're the blue to my sky and you're the one I wanna marry~🎵" Izuku sang the last part softly yet both his and Bakugou's faces flushed a bright red.

"🎵Cause you're the one for me for me and I'm the one for you for you. You take the both of us of us and we're the perfect two. We're the perfect two. We're the perfect two. Baby me and you. We're the perfect two~🎵" Bakugou clutched onto his heart as his chest kept getting tighter and tighter.

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