Mystery Person

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It's been a week since Bakugou started his community service at the hospital and he has yet to actually help out or introduce himself to any of the patients. But for some reason, no one calls him out for it because all his work is getting done.

Yesterday he was asked to put up Halloween decorations around the place since it is October and Halloween is in a few weeks. Bakugou, however, didn't touch a single pumpkin nor ghost, he just sat at the table with his air pods in listening to music while scrolling through his phone like he always does and yet when he looked up the lounge was completely decorated.

There were fake cobwebs in the corners, some small pumpkins on each table, little bat cut-outs sticking on the wall, along with banners saying happy Halloween or trick or treat on them. The place looked nice and spooky. Bakugou got complimented for his work by the nurses but he didn't do anything.

But he wants to figure out who is.

"Have a good day!" Kaoruko called out to him as he walked up the steps to the building. He opened the door and was about to walk into the main lounge area when he heard a loud cough. He turned his head to see the nurse frowning at him with her hand out. "Why won't you fuck off already?!" He groaned while walking over to her and placing the device in her hand. "Until you actually give me your phone without me having to ask or when you stop giving fake phones." "Tch, what do you mean fake phones?" Bakugou said with a smirk making the nurse's frown deepen.

"The last time I asked for your phone you gave me a calculator with a picture of a phone screen on it." "And you still took it." The nurse sighed and examined the phone to make sure it's actually a phone before putting it in her pocket.

"For today I need you to look through all those donations and clean anything that needs to be clean or throw away stuff that needs to be thrown away." She told Bakugou while pointing to a box on the table that looks to be filled with clothes. Bakugou went over to the box and looked inside to see some tattered and dusty kid costumes. He scrunched his face in disgust at the sight.

"What the hell are these?" "They are some Halloween costumes for the kids staying here." She simply replied while typing something on her computer. "You call these rags costumes!?" "Listen this is a small hospital and we barely get any donations so we work with what we have so please just clean them and make sure they are ready for Halloween. Also when your done could you read some of the donated books to the kids they love it when volunteers do that for them." She told him while picking up some folders and walking away.

Bakugou rolled his eyes and left the box of costumes on the table. He walked over to the lounge area and pulled out his phone from his pocket (what he gave the nurse was a walkie-talkie that looks like a phone which he stole from a convenience store) and put in his air pods to listen to his music. He didn't, however, sit at his usual table which was placed away from the door so no one could see him if they just looked at the opening. Instead, he sat in a chair facing the door giving him a perfect view of the box.

'I'm going to find out who the hell is doing my jobs. It's not like I care if they are doing it but they have to be around my age. I know these old farts won't get up for shit, the nurses and doctors would just yell at me, and the kids are well kids. So there has to be another person my age working here.' Bakugou thought while looking at the box still resting on the table.

He then felt a tap on his shoulder and looked up to see a short elderly man with short gray hair and a beard with light brown eyes holding a cane. "What do you want grandpa?" Bakugou said while turning off the music in his air pods. "Well, you're in my seat." He said with a kind smile. Bakugou rolled his eyes. "Tch, so? Go find yourself another damn seat." He said and looked back over to the box that was still resting on the table.

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