After Party

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‼️⚠️Warning: NSFW Chapter⚠️‼️
This chapter will have smut if you don't like it you don't have to read it. You won't be missing anything if you skip this chapter. With that being said enjoy~


"We're here." Bakugou said as he brought his motorcycle to a stop in front of his house. Izuku took his helmet off and looked up at the mansion.

"*gasp* You are secretly rich!" Izuku exclaimed to the blonde currently getting off of the bike. "Oh, did I forget to tell you that?" Bakugou joked and started laughing when Izuku started to hit his arm repeatedly. "Yes you forgot to tell me that! Everything makes so much more sense now!" "Ha, sorry I just...didn't want you to treat me differently." Bakugou mumbled out making Izuku tilted his head in confusion.

"Why would finding out you have money make me treat you differently? Is it like an outsider thing?" Izuku questioned making Bakugou laugh. "Pfft, you did not just say outsider." "But am I wrong? If you're allowed to go outside then you're an outsider. And if you can't go outside then you're an insider like me...wait but I'm technically an outsider now." Izuku mumbled Bakugou smiled and used his hands to squish the boy's face together.

"You're adorable you know that." Bakugou told him making the greenette giggle and smile in return.

"Seriously though you gotta give me a tour! Please!" Izuku pleaded when Bakugou moved his hands from his face.

"Why not." He shrugged making Izuku cheer and grab hold of his hand as he dragged him to the front door where Kaoruko was standing ready to open it for them.

"Nice to see you again!" She told the greenette. "You too! But I'm guessing you aren't really Kacchan's aunt." He said causeing her to smile and shake her head. "I'm the maid." She said making Izuku oh in understanding.

"She's still really annoying." Bakugou grumbled and opened up the door himself. When he stepped inside he was immediately tackled by his pet Doberman.

"I forgot you said you had a dog!" Izuku exclaimed as he watched Bakugou push the dog off of him. "His name is King right?" Izuku asked as he crouched down to the dogs level and extended his hand to pet him. King growled at the greenette making Izuku retracted his hand back.

"King, knock it off!" Bakugou yelled at the dog making him drop his head and whine in return. "He doesn't like meeting new people." Bakugou looked over at Izuku and explained. "Yeah it took him a while to get used to all of us but it was so cute seeing him follow Katsuki where ever he went like a little duckling following it's mom." Kaoruko said making Izuku aww.

Bakugou crouched down to the dogs level and started petting his head. He then took Izuku's hand and held it out in front of the dogs nose so he could smell it. King looked at the hand hesitantly before leaning in closer and pressing his nose against Izuku's hand making the greenette laugh.

"Haha, that tickles!" Izuku giggled out and tried to pet King with his other hand but the dog moved away from it. "I just want to pet you." Izuku said softly and slowly reached out towards the dog who this time allowed the boy to touch his head.

"Scratch behind his ear." Bakugou told the greenette. Izuku did what he said and smiled when the dogs tail started to wag faster. "Who's a good boy!? King is! King's a good boy!" Izuku said in a slightly higher pitched voice making King bark happily and lick his face.

"Ha, well I'm turning in for the night. Izuku are you staying over?" Kaoruko asked and Izuku looked up at her and nodded his head. "Okay I'll make sure to set up and extra plate for breakfast tomorrow and I should probably let you're parents know he'll be there." Kaoruko explained to herself out loud.

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