Story Time

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Btw if you want to completely enjoy this chapter then I would suggest you listen to 'Not Fall In Love With You' then 'Forever Fall' (the song at the top) then finally 'Cold', they are all songs from the anime RWBY.

I'll mark when to play them.

Alright on with the story!


The two teens were walking down the hospital corridor laughs escaping their mouths with each step they took.

"Haha shut up!" Izuku laughed out while playfully shoving the laughing blonde walking next to him. "Haha, I'm serious! There were frog guts everywhere!" "Haha eww, that's so disgusting!" "Ha, You should have seen the teachers face when Pikachu decided to blow it up again! She was fucking pissed!" "Haha, why would he do it again!?" "Haha, Because he's an idiot!" "Pfft, did you record it?" "No, but I think Pinky got some of it." Bakugou said and pulled out his phone to text the girl.

"Ha, yeah she has the part where Pikachu does it a second time. You wanna see- Izuku?" Bakugou turned his head to talk to the other teen but he wasn't walking next to him anymore. He turned around to see Izuku now on the ground.

He was kneeling down with his forehead pressed against the cold hospital floor as one of his arms was clutching onto his stomach while the other was balled into a fist against the floor.

"Izuku!?" Bakugou yelled and rushed over to the trembling greenette's side. "What's wrong?!" Bakugou asked as he reached out to touch Izuku's shoulder. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Izuku yelled making Bakugou quickly retract his hands back.

Bakugou quickly looked up and down the hall to see if anyone was around, luckily Nurse Joy just so happened to be leaving a patient's room at the time.

"Joy!" Bakugou called out and the pink-haired nurse turned to look at him. Her eyes widened when she saw Izuku lying on the floor. She quickly rushed over to the teen and crouched down next to him.

"How bad?" She asked Izuku as he squeezed his eyes shut and winced in pain. "S-seven." He groaned out clutching onto his stomach tighter.  "Can you stand up?" Joy asked and Izuku took of few seconds before nodding. "Alright take your time." She told him and Izuku slowly began to stand up.

He shakily brought himself to his feet and leaned against the wall for support. "Breathe Izuku." Joy calmly told him making the boy start to take deep breaths in and out. But with every breath he took in he would wince in pain. "That's it nice and slow..." Joy told him while pulling out a syringe from her pocket and a bottle of some sort of liquid pain killer from her other pocket. Once she filled the syringe with the pain killer she flicked the syringe twice getting rid of any air bubbles.

"Arm." She said and Izuku extended his right arm out. Joy gently held Izuku's arm before pressing the needle to one of the veins on his wrist. Izuku gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut as he felt the needle pierce his skin. Bakugou anxiously watched as nurse Joy delicately cleaned the spot where she had made the injection. His heart continued to pound quickly against his chest seeing the person he cares about suffering in pain.

"Alright, that should help the pain go down. Bakugou." Joy said and looked over at the blonde who's worried eyes intently watched the boy shaking in pain in front of him. 'Why is this happening to him!? I know he said they're random but they usually aren't this bad! Why is he in so much pain now!? I didn't touch him that much, did I?! Wait did I make him laugh too much!? Fuck I did! He's suffering right now because of me! I shouldn't have told him that story, idiot , idiot, id-'

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