Just One Day

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Don't play the song yet please!!!

The hospital room was cold and unfamiliar. The sickly clean smell was different from what the blonde was used to. The walls weren't as vibrant as before. It didn't have that homey feeling like the other hospital with Nurse Joy, the elders, and the little kids.

This one felt different.

It felt sadder.

It felt scarier.

It felt real.

Bakugou sat next to the hospital bed as he held the unconscious greenette's hand. His eyes only ever leaving the greenette's face to look up at the heart monitor which slow beeping sound was the only noise in the entire room.

                    /\                                  /\     
_/\     /\_/    \     /\__/\_         /    \    /\__
       \/                \/                 \    /        \/

Beep... Beep...

Bakugou's eyes didn't leave Izuku's even when he heard familiar yelling out in the hallway.


A panicked voice shouted from out in the hall. A few seconds later the room door opened revealing a disheveled looking Inko.

Her green hair was messy and not in it's usual half up ponytail. Her round eyes which seemed to be red and puffy from crying were wide in fear with dark bags underneath them. And a pink sweater was loosely hung off her shoulder looking as if she just rushed to put it on.

"Oh Izuku..."

She whispered out as tears began to appear at the corners of her eyes. She used a hand to cover her mouth and slowly approached the boy laying in the hospital bed.

"*sniff* My baby..." Inko whispered as she gently moved a strand of hair away from the boy's emotionless face.

Bakugou's eyebrows furrowed together as he bit his lip not wanting to look at the woman who's broken voice almost brought him to tears.

"Ma'am?" Inko looked away from her son to see a doctor with a clipboard in his hands standing next to her. "*sniff* H-how is he?" Inko asked shakily and the doctor sighed before looking at Bakugou then back at Inko. He motioned his hand for her to follow him towards the door.

Once they were by the door and away from Bakugou he began talking. "Do you know that young man?" The doctor said referring to Bakugou. "He insisted on staying by your son's side until you tell him not to." The doctor explained. Inko glanced over at the blonde still holding her son's hand. Her gaze on the two downcast as she now frowned at the ground.

"Would you like him to leave?" The doctor asked and Inko shook her head and looked back up at the doctor. "He can stay just *sigh* please tell me how my son is." She asked and the doctor nodded his head and looked down at his clipboard.

Just One Day (Bakudeku)Where stories live. Discover now