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(The song works better later)

"Kacchan I...I really like you..." Izuku said to the blonde before quickly looking down at the ground and blushing. "I-I mean like as a friend! Yeah you're a really good-" He stopped talking when Bakugou placed his hand on his cheek, sliding it down to his chin and tilting his head up ever so slightly. "I like you too Izuku." He said making Izuku smile. They both closed their eyes and started to lean in but before their lips could meet Bakugou was hit in the face by a snowball.

"What the heck!" He said while wiping the snow off his face. He looked up to see Izuku smiling at him and holding another snowball. "Wake up Kacchan!" He said before throwing another snowball at Bakugou's face. "Wake up!"

Bakugou's eyes shot open right in time and he managed to catch the pillow that was thrown at his face. "What the hell!" Bakugou yelled while sitting up on the couch he was sleeping on and looking at the red headed male sitting on the floor responsible for waking him up. "Merry Christmas bro!" Kirishima cheered while giving the blonde a big toothy grin.

"Tch idiot." Bakugou grumbled and threw the pillow back at Kiri's face. "*yawn* I was having a good dream too..." Bakugou yawned while stretching his arms out. "What was it about?" "None of your business." "Come on bro you're no fun." "And you're annoying." "*gasp* How could you say that and after I got you such a great gift!" Kirishima said while grabbing a present from under the tree. The gift was wrapped with red wrapping paper that had white stars over it and an orange bow on top.

Kirishima gave the present to Bakugou who eyed it questionably. "Come on open it!" Kiri said while bouncing in his seat, waiting in anticipation for the blonde's reaction. Bakugou sighed and took the top off the box. He moved the orange tissue paper away and picked up the picture frame.

"I know that you are having a difficult time with your parents and everything and I know you hate to admit it but we are your family too bro! Even if we drive you crazy and make you do insane dares we will always be here for you!" Kirishima said and Bakugou softly smiled at the framed picture of him and his friends when they were in the police car that he stole.

"So what did you get me!?" Kirishima asked excitedly while searching through the presents under the tree. "Tch, like I'd ever waste my time getting you idiots gifts." Bakugou grumbled while getting up from the couch, and gently putting the framed picture back in the box. "I found it!" Kirishima said while grabbing and shaking a box wrapped in plain red wrapping paper.

Bakugou just watched as the teen ripped through the wrapping paper revealing a white box. He opened it and pulled out a red bomber jacket with black sleeves. On the top right corner of the jacket had a sewn in pin of Crimson Riot's face. "Woah..." Kirishima said and turned the jacket around seeing the words 'RED RIOT' in big bold white letters.

"*gasp* DUDE!" Kiri yelled while looking up at Bakugou. "What? It's just some dumb jacket." "It's not a dumb jacket! This is a limited edition Crimson Riot jacket! Someone in the manufacture company messed up and put the word red instead of crimson! Only five of these were actually made before they caught the mistake! Is this actually one of them!?" "Like I said it's just some dumb jacket." Bakugou told him and walked towards the bathroom leaving Kirishima to freak out more over his brand new jacket.

Bakugou grabbed his toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it before starting to brush his teeth. While brushing his teeth his mind wandered all over the place. 'That dream...if that idiot didn't wake me up I would have kissed Deku...but why did it feel familiar like I've done it before...' Everything then hit him at once as he spat out the foam into the sink.

"We kissed yesterday!" He said right before rinsing out his mouth and washing his face. 'How could I forget about that! I mean it did happen really fast so I couldn't really process it! But still! We kissed! He actually kissed me!' Bakugou thought and started to touch his lips his face heating up as he did so.

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