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Don't play the song yet please!!!

Bakugou woke up to the sound of his alarm clock going off. He lazily dropped his hand down on the button shutting the alarm off.

He sat up in his bed and ran his fingers through his messy hair as he stretched letting out a small yawn in the process.

He got up from the bed and made his way over to the bathroom to do his usual morning routine. While walking to the bathroom he passed King sleeping and stopped to pet the  dog's head.

Once he was done brushing his teeth he looked at his reflection in mirror and smiled softly.

His eyes were their bright red color again and the dark circles underneath them were gone.

He felt good again.

After he was done changing his clothes he grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs to the dining room. When he walked into the room he saw his mom sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee while sketching something on her tablet.

"Hey kid." She said when she saw Katsuki enter the room. "Hey." Katsuki said and looked around the room not seeing his father anywhere. "Where's the old man?" He asked as he took a seat at the table dropping his bag next to him on the floor. "London."
Mitsuki simply said. "Let me guess fashion show?" Katsuki questioned and watched his mom nod her head.

Katsuki nodded his own head as he picked up a piece of toast and and took a bite out of it. Mitsuki glanced over at the teen and set her tablet down. "So..." She started gaining the boy's attention. "How's Izuku doing?" She asked cautiously unsure if that topic is okay to talk about. "He's okay." Katsuki mumbled as he chewed on the piece of toast.

"Just okay?" Mitsuki questioned causing the teen to sigh. "I mean now he gets these like mini seizures every now and then and only the doctors and his mom are allowed to actually touch him." Katsuki explained and slightly frowned down at his plate.

"He doesn't even know when he's going to be transferred back to the other hospital. *sigh* Everything is just really different now... but he still acts so carefree and silly like there's absolutely nothing wrong with him." Katsuki said and smiled to himself.

"He's so amazing..."

Katsuki mumbled his face slowly dropping into a frown.

"He doesn't deserve to be sick."

Mitsuki smiled sadly at the boy. "Yeah, he seems like a really good kid and life tends to like ruining anything good." Mitsuki said and frowned softly at her son's saddened face.

"But I think the only reason why he's able to stay so positive after everything is because all he cares about is being with you." Mitsuki said making Katsuki smile softly.

"I should get going." He said as he got up from his seat grabbing his backpack as he did so. "Have a good day at school." Mitsuki told him and Katsuki nodded his head as he went to leave the room.

"I love you!" Mitsuki called out to him before he left the room. " you too." Katsuki said quietly before walking out of the room making Mitsuki smile softly to herself.

"Mouse man." Bakugou said as soon as he opened the doors to the principals office. Nezu glanced up at the teen before turning his attention back to his work.

"Why hello to you too Bakugou. May I ask why are you in my office?" Nezu asked as the teen took a sat in the chair in front of his desk. "Have you seen my test scores?" Bakugou questioned. "Of course I have I'm the principal after all." Nezu said as he signed a piece of paper. "So do you think it's good enough to get me into a good college?" Bakugou questioned making Nezu look up at him and sigh.

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