Together Again (part two)

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The two enjoyed their breakfast together sharing laughs as they joked around with each other. Pancakes were eaten, hash browns were stolen, whipped cream was placed on noses, blueberries were thrown into mouths. It was a great time.

Once the bill was paid Bakugou went to the bathroom leaving Izuku to wait alone at the booth.

The greenette sat there finishing off the rest of his hot chocolate as he patiently waited for his boyfriend to return.


Izuku turned his head to see a teenage boy standing in front of his booth.

"Hi!" Izuku kindly smiled up at him making the boys face burn red.

"I just thought that you looked cute and I wanted to get a closer look." The boy said while biting his lip slightly and rubbing the nape of his neck.

Izuku giggled which made the boy's confidence boost as he smiled. "Are you flirting with me?" Izuku asked him kinda surprised about what's happening. "That depends is it working?" Izuku smiled and shook his head making the boy frown slightly. "Sorry but I already have a boyfriend." Izuku said making the boy scoff. A smirk came over his face as he leaned closer to Izuku.

"I don't see him~" "Turn around." The boy flinched slightly from the sudden harsh voice behind him. He turned around and his face immediately paled seeing the blonde towering over him, his intimidating red eyes glared daggers into the boy's soul making him shiver as a chill went down his spin. "Now you see him." Bakugou snarled out making the boy start to sweat as he suddenly felt very small.

"Kacchan! This guy was trying to flirt with me like in those movies where the girl gets hit on by some stranger and then her boyfriend comes in and scares them away, just like you! Haha isn't that funny!" Izuku giggled out as Bakugou continued to give the now sweaty teen the death glare.

"Yeah...come on baby lets go now." Bakugou said as he finally looked away from the teen who seems to be frozen in fear. "Okay!" Izuku said and got up an immediately grabbed hold of Bakugou's hand.

"It was nice talking to you!" Izuku waved at the boy still standing by their table trembling.

"You're too nice to people." Bakugou smiled as he put his helmet back onto Izuku's head once they got outside. "Isn't that a good thing?" Izuku questioned as he tilted his head. "Ha, You have so much to learn now that you can be outside." Bakugou told him as they both climbed onto the motorcycle. "Good thing you're here to teach me!" Izuku said as he snuggled his face against the blonde's back and tightened his hold around his waist making Bakugou blush.

Bakugou drove them to an outdoor mall and allowed Izuku to drag him into whatever store he wanted to go in.

"*gasp* Kacchan! Kacchan! Kacchan! " Izuku exclaimed as he tugged on the other teens sleeve while pointing to a store. Bakugou just smiled as he allowed himself to be pulled into a pet store.

Izuku immediately went up to the dog cage as his eyes sparkled with amazement upon seeing all the different types of dogs. He picked up a small golden retriever making it start to bark and lick his face causing Izuku to giggle.

"Would you like to feed them?" A lady asked him when he put the dog back down. "Can I!?" Izuku said as his smile widened which made the lady nod her head and smile as well. She took a bag of dog food and told Izuku to hold out his hands. She then poured some food pellets into his hands. Izuku knelt down and put his hands close to the cage.

He squealed slightly when two puppies came over to him. "Kacchan look!" Izuku said excitedly as the dogs ate from the palm of his hands. "Haha it tickles!" He giggled out making Bakugou smile.

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