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"You shouldn't be doing that."

Bakugou jumped when he heard a sudden voice. He turned to look at the doorway to see someone standing there. He was much shorter than the blonde and had messy curly green hair. He had big emerald green eyes like his hair but the rest of his face was being covered up by a light blue medical mask. The boy was also wearing a dark green hoodie that said hoodie on it, with pale blue jeans, and some bright red high tops.

"You're not allowed to smoke in here plus it's bad for your health." The boy said while walking over to him. "Tch, who cares." "Well, you should if you don't want to end up in a boring old hospital for the rest of your life." "Yeah you got a point there but I'm still going to do it." "I figured *sigh* it was good to talk to you before you get lung cancer and stop being good looking." The boy teased making Bakugou quietly snort. (I have no idea how to describe that nose exhale laugh)

"What's your name?" Bakugou asked making the boy's eyes go wide before he closed them and started to laugh which made Bakugou's cheeks flush pink slightly.

'He has a cute laugh.' Bakugou thought while staring at the boy giggling in front of him.

"Haha *ahem* sorry I wasn't expecting you to ask me that since you haven't really introduced yourself to anyone here. My name is Izuku Midoriya though nice to finally meet you!" The boy told him. "My uh name is Katsuki Bakugou." Bakugou said and extend his hand out for him to shake.

"Oh, I uh don't like physical contact." Midoriya said while rubbing the side of his arm. Bakugou put his hand back down and gave him a judgemental look. "Why not?" "Germs." Midoriya said plainly making it Bakugou's turn to laugh. "Are you serious we are in a fucking hospital!" "I know but they keep this place extremely clean, they disinfect everything like every day." "Really?" Midoriya just nodded. "Oh umm so do you work here?" Bakugou asked making Midoriya tilt his head at the question.

"I mean like volunteer work or community service." "Oh yeah, I'm doing uh c-community service." "Same I got in some trouble with the law and they assigned me to this dump." He said earning another laugh from Midoriya which made Bakugou's heart flutter.

"This place isn't so bad if you get to know the people and do your work." "Speaking of you were the one doing all my work weren't you?" The greenette rolled his eyes causing the blonde to smile just a little.

"I mean you clearly weren't going to do it, all you ever did was sit on your butt and go on your phone so I had to help you out." "Wait you saw me doing that?" "It's not that hard to miss." "But if you saw me how come I've never seen you up until now?" "You're always on your phone I've tried to talk to you before but you would just wave your hands at me telling me to go away." "Oh...sorry about that." "It's fine I'm glad I got to met you now though!" "Yeah, m-me too." Bakugou said with a small smile on his face.

Just then his phone pinged. He looked at it to see a text from Kaoruko telling him that she's outside. "I guess you have to go now don't forget to put out that cigarette. Bye!" Midoriya said while walking towards the hallway doors. "Wait a sec!" Bakugou called out making Midoriya stop in his tracks and look back at him.

"Umm, y-you're going to be here tomorrow right? I don't want to be stuck talking to those old geezers again." Bakugou said causing the greenette to giggle for the third time which also caused Bakugo's face to flush slightly. "Haha *ahem* see you tomorrow." Midoriya said leaving the blonde alone in the hallway with a smile spread across his face.

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