Together Again

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Don't play the song yet please!

It's has now been four weeks since Bakugou broke up with Izuku.

Bakugou lazily slammed his hand down on his alarm clock shutting it off. He sat up in his bed and rubbed away the tears still remaining in his eyes from yet another restless night full of crying.

He looked at the end of his bed where King was sleeping and started petting the dog who began panting happily.

After a while he reluctantly got out of bed and dragged himself over to his bathroom to do his usual morning routine.

Once he was done brushing his teeth he looked at his reflection in mirror and frowned.


He muttered to himself and touched the bags underneath his red and puffy eyes. He sighed and splashed his face with cold water which seemed to help but only a little.

He then changed into a white t-shirt along with black jeans. He also put on his black hoodie with the words champion on the side of it written in red letters. He then put on some red converse which made him frown. He immediately kicked off the shoes and put on his black combat boots with orange laces.

When he was satisfied with his look he picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder as he walked out of his room and started heading to the dinning room for breakfast.


Mitsuki, Masaru, and the staff cheered when Katsuki walked into the dining room.

"You actually remembered..." Katsuki mumbled in shock as he stared wide eyed at the balloons and streamers on the walls. "Of course we did I even made your favorite, chocolate chip pancakes!" Mitsuki said and held out a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes.

"They are your favorite right?" Mitsuki asked as Katsuki took the plate from her. He smiled slightly at the pancakes and nodded his head.

"Ha! I told you it was chocolate chips!" Mitsuki said as she pointed at her husband who smiled and held both of his hands up like he has been caught.

"You're not gonna tell them that you actually like blueberry pancakes?" Kaoruko whispered to Katsuki who shook his head. "I'll let them have this." He said as he watched how excited his parents were.

"Oh so Katsuki do you have any plans for today?" Masaru asked. Katsuki just shrugged as he took a fork and bit down into a pancake. "We can throw a party here and invite all your little friends!" Mitsuki suggested but Katsuki shook his head. "They're going to be busy tonight..." He mumbled as he sadly stared down at the pancake he had just taken a bite out of.

"Oh right...well maybe we can-" "Thanks for breakfast." Katsuki cut Mitsuki's sentence off and handed her back the plate. "I'm gonna go now." He said and turned around to walk off. Masaru gently rubbed Mitsuki's shoulder as she frowned at the plate of pancakes in her hands.

Bakugou got off of his motorcycle and took his helmet off. He placed the black bike helmet on the handle bars and sighed as he looked up at the school building which had a blue and red banner that said prom night in big bold white letters.

"Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled as he wrapped his arm around the blondes neck. "Happy birthday man!" Kiri yelled as the two started to walk to the schools front entrance.

"So have you decided yet?" Kiri asked as he took his arm off of the blonde. "Nope." Bakugou simply replied. "Come on bro it's prom it only happens once in your life! You gotta go!" "I don't gotta do anything. It's just some lame school dance I won't be missing anything. And besides I don't have anybody to go with." Bakugou grumbled quietly making Kiri frown.

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