Some Fun

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It's the beginning of a new year and Katsuki Bakugou is feeling better than ever.

For starters his community service is finally over but he decided to keep visiting the hospital not only because he's grown attached to the kids and elders staying there but he has a special someone that volunteers there as well.

That's right Izuku Midoriya, a boy he's been crushing over for three months, is finally his boyfriend.

Bakugou also let out all his emotional frustration about his parents to his parents which resulted in them finally coming together as an actual family. He even moved back in with them.

His school life is going well too. He's paying way more attention in class which is making his grades go up. And the kids at his school don't seem to be scared of him anymore in fact they actually like him now. Instead of screaming and running away they are actually walking up to him and talking to him like a normal person.

Yup all seems to be going well for the blonde.

"No! I'm not wearing heels!" Sero yelled at Mina who was showing him a picture of a pair of black stilettos on her phone.  "Come on you will look amazing!" She said while adding it to her cart on the website. "Yeah dude it's only some shoes." Denki said while dipping his french fry in ketchup. "Yeah shoes that I won't be able to walk in and will cause me pain! Also why are you siding with her you have to wear a dress too!" "Dude I will look good in anything plus I want to see Hitoshi's reaction!" "That's the spirit Denki! I'm going to have you guys looking fabulous!" Mina said while using her hand to flip the bottom of her hair.

"I'm not wearing heels!" "Yes you are!" "Oi what the hell are you idiots yelling about this time?" Bakugou asked while he and Kirishima approached the table lunch trays in hand.

"Mina's trying to get me to wear high heels for prom." "If you're going to be wearing a dress might as well match it with some bomb ass heels!" "Bro why don't you just wear wedges or flats they are way easier to walk in." Kirishima suggested and everyone turned to look at him.  "What?! You're telling me you've never tried on your mom's shoes before!?" "No!" They all told him making him frown. "You guys are bunch of liars." He mumbled while taking a bite of his french fry.

"Anyway since we are on the topic, Katsuki~" Mina cooed getting the blondes attention. "Have you asked Midoriya to prom~" she asked in a sing-songy voice. "Yeah man it's only four months away~" Denki said joining along. "It's on your birthday too wouldn't dancing with him be such a great present." Sero added. "Just think about it bro. The two of you wearing suits and holding each other close while dancing together under the lights. Slowly swaying from side to side~" Kirishima teased while starting to lean in closer to the blonde's ear. "He'll look up at you with his round green eyes and smile at you sweetly before leaning up to your ear and whispering...I love y-ahgh!" Kirishima shouted as his face was being pushed away by a very embarrassed Bakugou.

"I-Idiot!" Bakugou stammered out with an extremely red face as he pushed Kirishima's face away from his ear. The rest of the squad started to laugh at the blushing blonde. "Haha come on man I was just teasing!" Kirishima laughed out when Bakugou moved his hand away from him. "Haha that was hilarious I should have recorded it!" Denki laughed out while squeezing the sides of his stomach. "Haha, honestly! But seriously Bakugou did you ask him?" Mina asked regaining her composure.

"Tch, even if I did ask he's not going to go." Bakugou mumbled while using his plastic spoon to mix around the fruit in his fruit cup. "What do you mean he's not going to go?" Sero questioned. "He's your boyfriend!" Mina exclaimed. "Dude even Hitoshi is going and he hates dances!" Denki said. "Well his mom doesn't like him leaving the house plus she doesn't like me so I doubt she would let him go anywhere with me." Bakugou explained to them.

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