Halloween Party

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The last bell of the day was rung and all the kids started to pack up their things and rush out the doors to leave the hell hole called school.

"Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima called out to the blonde who was in the back of the classroom packing up his things getting ready to go.

"What do you want shitty hair?" "Well first mom is making her famous macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight and second the squad was thinking of egging and teepeeing the teacher's houses tomorrow since it's Halloween you down?" "Of course I'm fucking down! Oh and tell your mom to save me a plate I might stay late again." He told him while swinging his backpack over his shoulder and walking out of the classroom.

"You know you've been staying late at that hospital a lot lately." Kirishima said as the two started to walk out of the school. "Yeah so?" "Sooo is there a reason because no offense but your not the type to be caring towards the sick or elderly." Bakugou side-eyed the redhead making him flinch a little. "What I said no offense!" The blonde just sighed and shook his head.

"So are you going to tell me or not?" Kirishima asked again making Bakugou chew on the inside of his cheek. "There's this guy..." "Dude do you have an actual crush on someone!?" "Hell no! He's just cool to hang out with and talk to." "Dang it, I wanted you to have a crush on someone!" "Why the hell would you want that!?" "It's totally not because Mina and I made a bet against Sero and Denki saying that you would actually fall in love and end up with someone before prom if that's what your thinking." Kirishima said and Bakugou just rolled his eyes at his idiotic friend.

"Phone." Joy said when she saw the teen enter the building. "Here." Bakugou said and handed her his phone. She took the phone cautiously and looked it over. "Is this your actual phone?" "Yeah anyway, where's Deku?" "Children's wing I think." "Great!" Bakugou said and started walking to the children's wing but stopped when Joy called his name. "Could you make sure all the plans are set for the Halloween party tomorrow?" "Yeah, whatever."

Bakugou made it to the children's wing and looked in the room to see Deku playing with the kids. "Bakugou's here!" A little boy said and all the kids rushed over to him. "Yeah yeah I'm here brats calm down!"  Bakugou said while pushing past them and taking a seat next to Deku.

"Hi, Kacchan." Deku said while smiling up at him making the blonde blush slightly. "Hey. W-what are we doing today?" "Well the Halloween party is tomorrow so we just have to get everyone excited for it but they already are right guys!?" "Yeah!" All the kids cheered. "Do we get to wear costumes!?" "Can we go trick or treating!?" "What games are we playing!?" All the kids crowded around Bakugou and excitedly started asking him about their party tomorrow.

"Oi brats calm down or you won't get a damn party!" Bakugou yelled causing all the kids to stop and sit down in front of him and Deku. "That was fast." Bakugou muttered making Deku giggle. "They really want that party." "Yeah but it's just a Halloween party nothing special." "To you maybe but to them, it's their chance to feel like a normal kid." Deku said making Bakugou pause and look at all the little kids sitting in front of him.

"Who's gone trick or treating before?" He asked and only two out of the seven kids raised their hands. "Really?" Bakugou said in slight shock. "I've never gone either." Deku admitted making Bakugou turn to look at him with a confused written face. "But you're 16!" Deku shrugged "My mom didn't want me going." He explained with a slight frown which for some reason made Bakugou's heart ache.

"So you never got dressed up in costume and gone to people's houses asking for candy?" Deku and the other kids just shook their heads. "I mean they have worn the costume the hospital provides and the nurses give them some candy to share."Deku said. "But those costumes are disgusting!" "Yeah...I know." Deku mumbled out while nodding in agreement.

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