A Bad Day

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"So when are you going to confess your love to Midoriya?" Mina asked the blonde who was sitting across from her at the lunch table picking at the wet flavorless noddles on his tray, which the school considers as pasta, with his cheap plastic fork.

"When I fucking feel like it! So stop asking me every damn day!" He yelled while looking up to glare at her. "*sigh* I should have made a bet with you the first time. I knew you wouldn't be able to do it. I could've gotten myself 10 grand!" She laughed out but Bakugou just frowned and looked back down at his tray. "Mina you know he doesn't like jokes about that." Kirishima said noticing the blonde's reaction. "Oh yeah haha my bad..." she laughed out sheepishly while scratching the back of her head.

"It's whatever. I don't even use their damn money." "But you did on Halloween right?" Denki asked. "It was only a thousand dollars and it was for Deku and the kids, not me." "Ahh, it's so cute you gave him a nickname! How'd you come up with it?" Mina squealed. "The kids at the hospital came up with it and I'm just calling him that because he wants to call me-" "Kacchan!" Bakugou glared over at the brunette walking over to his table.

"I told you not to fucking call me that!" He growled once she got there. "Oh sorry, it just slipped out! Haha, Being round Deku a lot kinda got me used to it." She giggled out making Bakugou roll his eyes.

"What the hell do you want anyway?" He asked while stabbing at his pasta once again. "Right! I just wanted to let you know that Deku and I talked about putting up some thanksgiving decorations today and after we're going to host a bingo game for the elders!" "Why didn't you just tell me yesterday?" "You left earlier remember? Something about needing a break." "Right...you can fucking leave now." He grumbled while rubbing the side of his head. "Uh yeah okay. S-see you later!" She said and quickly scurried back over to her table.

"Fucking bitch." Bakugou mumbled once she was far enough away so she couldn't hear. "Why do you hate her so much again?" Sero asked but Bakugou just rolled his eyes. "He's just jealous that she's spending time with Midoriya." Mina explained. "I'm not jealous!" "Sure you aren't~" she teased him with a smirk on her face.

"I'm not fucking jealous! She just showed up one day and now Deku's giving all his attention to her and not me! And I'm fucking sick of it! I was with him first! He should be talking and laughing with me not her! I'm the one that actually likes him he makes my heart skip a beat when I see him and I don't want her to take that feeling away from me!" He yelled and all his friends looked at each other until Denki said what they were all thinking. "Dude...that's what being jealous is."

Bakugou opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Instead, he let out a loud groan and dropped his head down on the table.

"I am jealous..." He mumbled finally admitting to it. "We know bro." Kirishima said while patting his back. "I've never been jealous before." He mumbled again his head still down on the table. "Good job Bakugou you've just unlocked another emotion!" "That makes what five?" Mina and Denki teased making Bakugou stick up his middle finger at them.

'Why is liking someone so hard!? He's making me feel things I've never felt before and I don't know if that's a good or bad thing! I really need to get him out of my head! But then again I don't want too...' Bakugou thought.

"Why is she even working at the hospital I thought she had a part-time job?" Sero questioned. "She got fired or some shit and know she's working there because her mom is a nurse there I think and she wants to help her out until she finds a new job." Bakugou explained while lifting his head up and resting it on the palm of his hand.

"Oh so she won't be there for long so what are you so worried about?" "Yeah bro you'll have his attention back soon!" "And then you can confess!" Mina squealed. Making Bakugou roll his eyes. "Or you know give me 10 grand." She laughed but it was cut short when Bakugou threw his garlic bread at her.

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