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Don't play the song yet please!


Inko yelled at the teen standing in front of her in the hallway. Tears streamed down her face as she glared up at the boy. Mitsuki and Masaru stood off to the side unsure of what to say to the greenette or if they should even get involved.

"*sniff* My poor baby..." Inko said as she clutched onto her heart and looked down at the ground. "He's been through so much already. The two of us were doing just fine together. He was safe." She looked back up at Katsuki and narrowed her eyes at him making the teen's already sorrow filled face worsen.

"Then you showed up and ruined everything!" She screamed as she pushed the teen. Katsuki stumbled back slightly from the shove but he continued to stand in front of Inko and listen to her yelling.

"I told you what happened with me and Hisashi! H-He died because of me! *sniff*
B-Because I wanted to be with him!" Inko cried as she pressed her hand against her chest.

"You did exactly what I warned you about! Why couldn't you just listen to me! Why didn't you just do what I asked!" Inko closed her eyes as she put her hands on her head and grabbed a fist full of her hair.


Inko looked directly at Katsuki and screamed in his face, tears fell from her eyes as she did so. Katsuki however didn't even flinch at the woman's outburst.

"Why did you have to show up in my son's life! This is all your fault!" Inko continued to yell as she started to repeatedly bang her fists against the blonde's chest which Katsuki just allowed to happen.


Inko screamed before dropping her head onto Katsuki's chest, breaking out into tears. Her fists slowly stopped making contact with the boy's chest as her choked sobs got louder.

"*sniff* T-This is all your fault." Inko began to mumble. "I wish he d-didn't *sniff* I-I wish *sniff* I wish I never fell in love!" Inko sobbed out as she gripped onto Katsuki's shirt and began crying into his chest.

"Oh, why did I have to fall in love! *sniff*
N-None of us w-would be here if *sniff* if I didn't follow my s-stupid heart. *sniff* Why does loving someone cause so much hurt..." She cried. Katsuki painfully looked down at the woman crying on him unsure if she would want him to comfort her.

Eventually Inko pulled her head away from him and used the back of her hand to wipe away her tears. Katsuki took this chance to try and say something to her.

"...Inko I-"

Inko's hand began to shake before she quickly grabbed it and pressed it against her mouth. Her eyes were wide, shocked by the fact of what she had just done. Tears started to fall from her eyes as she shook her head slowly.

Bakugou's face was turned to the side with his eyes focusing on the ground. His eyes were also wide from shock and they too began to water. The newly formed bright red hand mark on his cheek stung but that wasn't the reason for his tears.

Mitsuki and Masaru stood there in complete shock as well, no one expected the greenette to do that.

The hospital room door behind Inko opened and a nurse stuck her head out. "It's okay for you to come back in." She said before sticking her head back in the room and closing the door.

Inko looked over at Mitsuki and Masaru before turning her attention back to Katsuki who was still facing away from her. Her hands trembled as she slightly lowered them from her mouth.

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