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"Alright Alright everyone quiet." Aizawa said tiredly to the noisy teenagers who were all sitting at their desks talking loudly to one another.

"I said quiet!" Aizawa yelled this time gaining everyone's attention and making them all shut their mouths and face the sleep deprived adult.

"I'll be handing back the test you all took last week so you can see what you got before I put them in the grade book. Once I'm done you all can either talk amongst yourselves until class is over or do test corrections for extra credit to try and boost your test score a little more." Aizawa informed the class while picking up the stack of papers all marked with red ink.

He started walking around the room handing back the test to the students. Some of their faces lit up seeing a high score while others faces dropped or scrunched together in frustration seeing the low number.

"Ugh this test was such a pain." Jiro ,a short girl with short dark purple hair, groaned out while stretching the test out in front of her. "Yes it was quite difficult but I'm sure you did well." Momo, the richest and smartest girl in school, told her with a smile. "What classes as well become I got a 76 and I was aiming for at least a B." She asked Momo while showing her the test. "Well that's not so bad. You did really good!" Momo said again with a smile making Jiro look away from her while a slight blush spread across her face.

"Yeah well I'm sure you did amazing like always. You know being the top student and all." Jiro mumbled while doing a bad habit of  hers which is fiddling with a strand of her hair. "Haha Well I guess I did do alright but it's not what I was hoping for." Momo said while frowning slightly at her paper.

Jiro leaned over to see the girl's score and her mouth dropped opened seeing the number 90 written on the top of her page in red ink. "Woah you never get anything less than a 95." Jiro mumbled. "*sigh* like I said it was difficult but I guess we could do the extra credit together to boost our scores!" Momo told her excitedly making Jiro smile and nod her head at the action.

"Kaminari." Aizawa said about to hand the test back to the blonde. ""How'd I do!?" Denki asked excitedly while looking up at Aizawa with bright and hopeful eyes. "*sigh* Next time don't waste your time on a semi decent drawing of a cat playing the piano." Aizawa sighed out while handing him back his test with the number 29 written at the with red ink.

"Awe you couldn't just round up?" Denki said frowning at the low test score. "I did." Aizawa said and walked off to hand his test to another student. Denki furrowed his brows together confused as to what Aizawa had meant. He flipped his test around and looked down at the drawing he made on the once blank space below the final question. "Oh sweet a bonus point!"

Aizawa walked over to Bakugou's desk where the blonde was busy on his phone texting someone.

"Bakugou." Aizawa said making the teen stop texting and look up at him. Aizawa took the test off the pile of papers and held it out for Bakugou to take.

"Good job." He said and walked off once the blonde took his test back. "Dude what'd you get?" Kirishima asked while leaning over to get a closer look on the blondes test. Bakugou tilted his paper a little so Kirishima could see it better.

"Dude you got an 100!?" Kirishima shouted out in surprise gaining the other students attention. Bakugou just shrugged while finishing up the text he was writing. "It wasn't that hard if you actually studied and read the questions carefully." He mumbled out.

"Could you help me with the test corrections then!?" Kirishima asked excitedly causing the blonde to groan and roll his eyes. "And why the hell would I do that?" "Because were best friends?" Kirishima said while looking up at him with big puppy dog eyes making Bakugou scoff.

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