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This is stupidly long my bad...

"You're here!" Kirishima said as he opened up his front door to see Sero and Mina standing there. "Yeah sorry were late Mina insisted on getting a Peppermint Mocha Latte at Starbucks and the line was so long." Sero told him. "It's Christmas time I wanted a Christmasy drink! Besides I got one for everyone!" She said while slightly shaking the tray full of hot Christmasy drinks.

"You two were sure taking your time huh?" Denki said as Sero and Mina walked into the living room. "Yeah to get you dummies drinks." Mina said and handed him a Chestnut Praline latte with a mountain of whipped cream on top of it. "*gasp* You're the best!" Denki said while taking the drink from her. "Yeah I know!" She said and handed out the rest of the drinks.

"So how is the new couple doing on this fine Christmas Eve day?" Denki asked in a semi posh accent while he had whip cream resting on the top of his lip like it was a Mustache. Mina laughed a little and started to go along with it. "Well if you must know we are planning on going ice skating tomorrow." Mina replied in her posh accent. "Ah yes yes what a lovely way to spend your Christmas." Denki told her. "And what about you sir Denki bro?" Kirishima said trying his best to do a posh accent. "Oh you see sir Shinso said he has something special planned for me." "Ahh *ahem* I mean how romantic." Mina said trying her best to cover up her need to squeal.  "Oh certainly I'm very exited!" Denki said while bouncing in his seat.

"How about you sir Bakubro?" "I'm not doing that dumb accent." Bakugou grumbled while taking a sip of his Caramel Macchiato. Denki, Mina, and Kirishima then started to boo him. "Oh boo yourself." Bakugou told them. "Fine but seriously bro what are you doing for Christmas?" "Well today I'm going to the Christmas Eve party at the hospital and I have to leave their presents there so I'm going to visit them tomorrow to see their reactions. I don't know what I'm going to do after that though." He explained. "You could always ask Midoriya out on a date~ *gasp* We can have a double date!" Mina said excitedly and began shaking Sero's arm.

"Like hell I would have you extras around on a date with Deku!" "Oh come on I really want to meet him he seems so cute and friendly by the way you describe him all the time!" "Yeah I kinda want to meet him too." Sero said. "Same I wanna see how you act around him." Kirishima said. "Haha he probably looks stupid with all that blushing and stuttering!" Denki laughed out. Bakugou glared at him and took his drink away from him. "Hey!" Denki yelled and Bakugou threw the drink away.

"My latte." Denki whined with a small frown on his face making the others, minus Bakugou, laugh. "I'm leaving now I have to help set up the party." Bakugou grumbled while picking up his jacket and walking towards the front door. "Tell Midoriya I said hi!" Mina called out to the blonde. "No." Bakugou said right before putting on his black combat boots and walking out of the door.

"Hey guys I have an idea." Denki said once the angry blonde left. "Oh no this can't be good." Sero said and took a sip of his white chocolate mocha. "Hey! My ideas are good!" Denki yelled out defensively. "Sure they are dude. So what's your idea?" Kirishima asked him. "Well we all want to meet Midoriya right?" "Yeah." They all said. "Well why don't we just crash the little hospital party and meet him! Bakugou won't be able to kick us out since the hospital accepts volunteers!" He said and everyone was quiet.

"DENKI YOU'RE A GENIUS!" Mina yelled while running up to the boy and shaking his shoulders. "If we go to this party we can totally help that dummy get with Midoriya!" Mina said to everyone. "Oh yeah we are going to get Bakubro a boyfriend and win the bet!" Kirishima said and high five the pinkette.

"Ugh nice going Denki." Sero groaned out in annoyance. "Sorry dude but I really want to see Bakugou act all stupid." "And you're willing to wear a dress to prom for that?" "Hell yeah!" Denki cheered and Sero rolled his eyes.

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