A Kept Promise

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Eight Years Later...

"There. Make sure you don't apply too much pressure on it." Bakugou told the little girl as he finished bandaging her arm. The little girl nodded her head as she wiped away the tears in her eyes with her other hand.

Bakugou reached into his cabinet and took out a jar of candy and crouched down to the little girls level to show it to her. The little girls eyes lit up when she saw the candy. She took a lollipop and immediately started to unwrap it.

"Saikai what do we say?" The little girl's mom asked her. The girl closed her eyes and smiled up at Bakugou revealing her tooth gap. "Thank you!" she said making Bakugou smile back at her and gently ruffle her curly hair.

"Bye!" The girl waved as her mom lead her out of the room. Bakugou waved goodbye to the girl the smile on his face dropping as soon as she was out of sight.

Bakugou let out a shaky sigh before picking up his clipboard and walking to his personal office.

He walked into the office space and dropped his clipboard on his desk right next to the framed picture of him and his friends screaming in a cop car.

He sat down in his office chair and spun his chair around so he was facing his computer screen.

He removed his reading glasses from his coat pocket and put them on so he could look through his emails seeing which ones he should actual read or trash. While looking through them he rolled his eyes when he saw emails from all his friends talking about the same event ,being Mina and Sero's wedding, and each of them wrote their questions in the subject line of the mail.

As he was replying to his annoying friends emails his walkie talkie buzzed. "Yes." Bakugou spoke into the communication device. "You have some papers you need to sign off on up here." A voice said back. Bakugou sighed while getting up from his chair. "Coming." He said and left his office.

"*sigh* And why couldn't you just walk this over to me?" Bakugou asked the receptionist as soon as he reached the front desk. "Well I thought you could use a change in scenery you're always in that stuffy office." The receptionist said while handing Bakugou a pen and the papers he needs to sign.

"I'm not always in my office." Bakugou grumbled out defensively. "Yes you are. Honestly I still don't understand how you work so well with kids when you act so miserable! Like you are so young and talented what's there to be sad about?" She said and Bakugou simply shrugged his shoulders making the lady cross her arms in annoyance.

"Well at least tell me you made some sort of progress with your love life~" She said with a sly smirk resting on her face. Bakugou paused writing for a second only to continue signing the papers. "You know I'm not interested in dating. I could care less about that stuff." He mumbled making the woman groan.

"Ugh, you're hopeless! Start acting your age already!" "Says the 43 year old who still thinks she's 18." Bakugou retorted making the woman stick her tongue out at him.

"At least I actually live my life and don't stay cooped up in this hospital like somebody." "Being cooped up in a hospital isn't always so bad..." Bakugou mumbled back quietly as he flipped over a piece of paper.

The receptionist looked away from Bakugou to see someone approaching the front desk.

"Oh hello! What are you here for?" She asked them. "Oh umm I'm kinda looking for someone and I was informed that they're here." "Okay what's the patients name I can check what room they are in." She said and began to type on her keyboard.

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