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Don't play the song yet please!

The next day Bakugou entered the hospital and walked straight to the front desk.

"I'm here to see Izuku Midoriya!" He told the nurse and waited for her to give him the go ahead to go to his room. "Midoriya..." the nurse mumbled as she began typing on her keyboard. "Yeah he should be in room 220." Bakugou said wanting this process to hurry up so he can see his boyfriend.

"Uh, there's no one by that name in that room." The nurse told him making Bakugou's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "That's definitely his room number maybe you typed it in wrong." Bakugou suggested but the nurse shook her head. She turned her computer screen so Bakugou could see it.

"See he's not in this room." She said causing Bakugou to frown. "But he was in there yesterday." Bakugou mumbled as the nurse turned her screen to face herself again. "Oh maybe he got switched to a different room, let me check." The nurse said and began typing on her keyboard again.

"Ah, here it is!" "He got moved to a different room?" Bakugou questioned. "No actually he transferred hospitals early this morning." "He did!?" "Yup." Bakugou frowned as he thought of reasons why the greenette didn't tell him that he was going to be transferred.

'He probably found out last minute." Bakugou thought and decided that was probably what had happened. "Okay thanks." Bakugou told the nurse and turned around to leave. "Don't you want to know what hospital he was transferred too?!" The nurse called out and asked.

"Nah, Im pretty sure I already know which one it is." Bakugou told her and walked out of the hospital.

"I haven't been here in a while." Bakugou mumbled to himself as he walked up the steps leading to the front door of the hospital building.

As soon as he walked through the doors he saw nurse Joy handing Inko a cardboard box. "Bakugou? What are you doing here?" Joy questioned causing Inko to turn around and look at the blonde.

"I came to see Izuku. The other hospital said he got transferred back here." Bakugou explained as if it was already obvious. Joy and Inko side eyed each other both of them thinking the same thing.

'He didn't tell him.'

"Why are you both making that face?" Bakugou questioned as he pointed to the two adults and their identical frowns. Inko let out a sigh before walking towards the door. "Follow me." She told Bakugou before exiting.

Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows in confusion but he followed Inko outside anyway. Inko sat down on the steps placing the box down next to her. Bakugou copied her and sat down on the other side of her.

"Izuku isn't here." Inko said and looked to see Bakugou with a confused look on his face. "What do you mean he isn't here? Where else would he be?" "On a plane... heading to America." Inko said softly causing Bakugou's eyes to widen.

"W-what..." he stuttered out in disbelief. Inko took in a deep breath before explaining the whole situation. "There's this program over there that are working on cures for people with illnesses like Izuku's. I've been in contact with them for a few months now and they suggested it would be best for both of us if Izuku went over there to be treated directly and I agreed. I'm here now just getting the last of Izuku's things before I have to get on my plane this afternoon." Inko explained and looked over at Bakugou to see the teen frowning at the ground.

"...Did he know?" Bakugou asked quietly and watched as Inko nodded her head. His frown deepened as clenched his fist together. "Then why didn't he tell me?" Bakugou looked up at Inko and asked his voice cracking slightly.

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