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"You t-told me that you didn't *sniff* care if I was sick! W-Why are you changing your mind now?!" Izuku yelled as his voice cracked. "Cuz I didn't know how bad it was then! Face it Izuku," Izuku longingly stared back at the hurt ruby red eyes as he listened to the blonde speak.

"We were never going to work out. Us being together just wasn't meant to be... I'm sorry." Bakugou said and turned back around to leave.

"Katsuki..." Izuku said causing Bakugou to hesitate since he was called by his actual name.

"Katsuki." Izuku said again but Bakugou ignored him and kept walking to the door.

"Katsuki!" Izuku yelled this time the pain in his voice was evident making Bakugou clench his teeth as he reached for the door handle. However, he paused when he felt Izuku holding onto his other hand.

"I love you..."

Bakugou kept his back facing Izuku while Izuku tightened his grip on Bakugou's hand. They stayed like this in utter silence for a few seconds until Bakugou pulled his hand away from Izuku breaking both of thier hearts as he left the room without saying anything in reply.

Izuku fell to his knees tears pouring down his face and landing onto the ground as he did this. He clutched onto his chest as he began to feel immense pain coming from his heart almost as if it had literally been broken.

Because of the boy's current emotional state he started having painful muscle spasms causing him to collapse onto the ground as he cried out in agony. Nurse Joy suddenly rushed into the room and immediately crouched down next to him.

"What the hell did Bakugou do?! Izuku, what number!?" She asked as she quickly took out the syringe in her pocket and started to fill it with the liquid pain killer. Izuku however did not give her a number as the pain in his joints and heart increased when hearing the blondes name making him scream more.

Joy's eyes widened in worry when hearing the boy's cry. She's never seen him this hurt before. She took the walkie talkie from her hip and started talking into it to contact an available doctor and nurse to come help her. While doing this she reached out to Izuku to gently turn his hands around so she can get a vein.
Once she touched him she immediately retracted her hand back as the boy screamed.

'This is worse then I thought!' Joy thought as she stared down at the shaking teen, her eyes full of concern. Although it pained her heart she reached out again, ignoring the boys cries, as she took his hand and pressed the needle into his skin.

The painkiller would take a few minutes to take effect meaning that he could still feel his bones aching and eventually cracking.


Izuku screamed as he let out an ear piercing cry holding onto his now broken arm that is still gripping onto his chest.

Nurse Joy could do nothing but painfully watch and listen to the teen suffer as she waited for help to arrive. Luckily it didn't take too long for a doctor and nurse to rush into the room.

"IT HURTS! *sniff* IT HURTS!"

Izuku continued you yell. "I know kid! Hold on!" The doctor said as he quickly took out a sleeping drug and started to put it in a syringe. He then took the syringe and pressed the needle into Izuku's shoulder making the boy drowsy.

"*sniff* It hurts *sniff* it hurts so much..." Izuku said softly as his eyes started to become heavy. "Don't worry the pain will go away soon." Nurse Joy said gently as she smiled at the the boy.

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