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Don't play the song yet please!

After a night of "activities" Bakugou woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside his bedroom window.

His eyes squinted opened as he peered over at his alarm clock to check the time. He let out a small groan when he saw how early it was. He then used the back of his hand to rub the drowsiness out of his eyes.

When his eyes were fully opened he looked down and softly smiled at the greenette snuggled up to his chest. He took his hand and gently started to run his fingers through the boy's hair.

"Good morning."

Bakugou said softly and placed a tender kiss on top of the boy's head. When Izuku didn't react to this however Bakugou's anxiety managed to get the best of him.


Bakugou said slightly louder than before his voice laced with worry as he tried to get the greenette to answer him.

"Baby wake up."

He said and started to softly poke the boy's cheek.


He said again and this time he gently started to shake the greenette's shoulder.

"Mmm... ten more minutes..."

Izuku mumbled out sleepily as he nuzzled closer to Bakugou's chest. Bakugou let out a small sigh when he heard the greenette respond.

He tightened his hold on the boy and buried his face into his hair.

"Good morning."

He said again and smiled when Izuku responded.


"So what do you want to do first today?" Bakugou asked as he absentmindedly played with Izuku's hair. "Stay in bed..." Izuku mumbled making Bakugou chuckle lightly.

"Really babe? You finally get the chance to go out and enjoy life and all you want to do is stay in bed?" Bakugou said and Izuku just nodded as he snuggled up closer to the blonde. "I want to stay in bed and cuddle with you..." Izuku mumbled making Bakugou blush at the cute action.

"We can do that later promise." Bakugou said as he kissed the greenette's head before sitting up in the bed. Izuku whined as he felt the blonde slip out of his grasp.

Bakugou got out of the bed and put on some sweatpants. He looked back at his bed and smiled at the greenette still lying down. His eyes were closed as he hugged a pillow using it as a replacement for the blonde.

Bakugou went back over to the boy and gently started to shake his shoulders. "Come on let's do something. We could..." Bakugou started and looked around his room as he thought of an idea.

"Oh, since it's so early Kaoruko probably hasn't started getting the breakfast ready yet, we can go down to the kitchen and I can teach you how to cook." Bakugou suggested. "And I'm not taking no as an answer." Bakugou joked as he nuzzled his nose against Izuku's own making the greenette giggle. "Haha...Okay." Izuku said softly and began to rub his eyes as he sat up in the bed.

Bakugou grabbed one of his black tank tops and pulled it on over his head. When he finished doing that he looked over at Izuku to see that the boy had put on one of his hoodies. The sleeves of the hoodie covered the majority of his hands and the hoodie itself stopped at his mid thigh. It was clearly way to big for him and Bakugou found that adorable.

Izuku wobbled slightly as he made his way over to the door. "Baby." Bakugou called out making Izuku stop and look over at him. Bakugou smiled before scooping the smaller teen up in his arms. Izuku immediately wrapped both his arms around Bakugou's neck and closed his eyes as he began to nuzzle into the crook of his neck.

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