Chapter 5

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~Atem's POV~

The day drew on with me continuing to do my daily routines. After lunch me and my guardians had a meeting to go to so Yugi and Joey were given a break to do anything they wanted.

But since the meeting just ended I want to give Yugi a personal tour of anything he wants in the kingdom. I make my way up the stairs and to Yugi's room where I'd assume he would be on his break. I knocked on the door when I arrived but I didn't hear a response.

I knocked again and opened the unlocked door slowly "Yugi?" I called softly. The room was dark but I see a lump on the bed from the light shining in through the windows.

I made my way over to the bed to see Yugi fast asleep with his head rested on the pillows but not ever covering himself. His robe was rising a little high on his thigh so I did the honorable thing and reached for the clothing to gently pull it downwards.

The motion causing Yugi to stir in his sleep, he sat up with a cute yawn and he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Did I wake you?" I guess he didn't notice my presence because he jumped when he heard my voice.

"I-I'm so sorry my king, I fell asleep, it won't happen again." He immediately tried apologizing and bowed his head before me.

"No no, it's alright. I just got out of my meeting with the guardians and was wondering if you wanted a more closer look at anything in the palace." He rose his head back to look at me once I said that.

"I-I mean. I've been wanting to look at the garden." His big amethyst eyes shining bright at me making it impossible to say no even if I wanted to.

"Then the garden we shall go." I took his hand and he made no complaint as he followed behind me as I walked us down the flights of stairs. Making my way to the back doors and opening them to see the beautiful garden with some servants who's job was to tend to them.

I look over at Yugi who was awestricken but the beauty of the garden. Little did he know I've been awestruck by his beauty too.

"Hey Yugi, my pharaoh." A servant boy with longish tan hair and lilac eyes came up to the young one.

"Hey Marik, the garden is so beautiful." Yugi said and turned his gaze from the boy back onto the garden. (More or less the picture above)

"So what brings you here?" The boy known as Marik asked.

"The pharaoh said he would show me around more." Yugi smiles turning towards me as I glance at him to smile back but he instantly stops smiling and looks away with a red face. I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute he was.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your date." Marik winked at Yugi before returning to help the others.

"H-hey, it's not a date!" Yugi gripped his fist at his sides as he face flushed an even redder color.

"It's not?" I asked to tease Yugi a bit and look at him. His mouth is open but no words are coming out.

"I'm kidding." I laugh ruffling his hair "only if you want me to be." I whisper but I don't know if he heard me.

"Come little one, if you're done I would like to show you something else." He nodded but didn't meet my gaze. I took his hand once more and led him away.

I walked to the tallest part of the palace to the outlook on the kingdom. Yugi gasp as he ran to the edge and placed his hands on the rock barriers keeping him from falling.

"Yugi!" I yelled and grabbed his waist before he leaned even more forward off the edge "be careful, you could fall." I said and looked down at him while my chest was pressed firmly against his back, my hands still on his waist.

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