Chapter 24

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~Atem's POV~

"Atem?" A soft voice asked me and I recognize it as Isis, even though my vision was failing me.

The millennium puzzle around my neck was glowing and shaking slightly. As well as the eye that appeared on my forehead. I was beyond pissed.

"I know you're mad but please let me treat your wounds." She landed a gentle hand on my shoulder, bringing some of my vision back.

"I need to do something first." I growled and pushed away from my three friends.

Flying down the steps to the throne room I pushed the doors open with such force they slammed against the walls. All the men plus the devil himself were all conscious and tied up on their knees.

I said nothing as I marched up to Bakura and brought my fist back, meeting it with his face. He fell to the ground with nothing to catch him. I gripped the collar of his robe and yanked him back up, getting in his face.

"You fucking bastard! I'll kill you for what you did to Yugi!" I yell, my knuckles turning white from how tight I was holding onto him.

"I enjoyed every second of his screams while I fucked him." Bakura smirked evilly, filling me with rage again.

I punched him once more, tearing some skin off my knuckles and making them bleed. This time I didn't help him back up but turned to the guards who were terrified under my hateful gaze.

"Tie up their arms and legs and throw them into the dungeon with the worse of the worse, keep them there until I call again." They nodded and quickly scrambled to grab the evil bastards.

"Keep a constant eye on them to make sure they don't get out of their bindings." I spoke up once more as the guards took the men down stairs.

I growled under my breath and tugged on my hair. My adrenaline was still pumping and I just needed to take my anger out on something, or someone. I half regret sending Bakura to the dungeon because I could use a punching bag right about now. But I knew exactly how I was going to punish the men who hurt Yugi.

"My pharaoh." I turned when my title was called, a guard stood at the entrance of the throne room.

"Miss Isis is calling for you." Of course she is, she wants to 'tend to my wounds' but I hope she sees I don't care about myself right now, I only want to make sure Yugi is okay so I can finally hold him in my arms again.

"Thank you." I said to the guard after I few minutes of silence in my deep thoughts.

The guard lead me up the stairs and to a room right next to the one Yugi was in. While passing I couldn't help but glance inside to see Yugi still with his eyes closed on the table. The doctor and some nurses were covered in small to large amounts of blood, some working on Yugi.

I could see that Yugi's side was stitched up and some of the bigger and deeper cuts. His chest was wrapped in bandages, going over one of his shoulders to keep it up. The side of his cheek also had a white bandage on it.

"Atem." I turned my head to see Isis was peaking out of the room and sighed sadly, seeing I was looking into Yugi's room.

"Will he be okay?" I asked her while I was walking in the door to the room, sitting on the table for her to look at me.

"Take your top off." She ignored my question and gave me a command.

I huffed and removed my top as well as my cape. Winces at the pain that struck me as the fabric rubbed against the bruises on my skin.

"Answer the question." I pushed on as she didn't hesitate getting to work.

"They got him stitched up but he lost a lot of blood and he hasn't woken up yet." She explains while wiping a damp rag on my face and chest, ridding it of all the dirt and dried blood.

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