Chapter 32

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~Atem's POV~

Finally my work is done, time to find Yugi. I've hardly seen him all day. I would have suspected he would come check on me once in a while but for the few hours I've been up here he hasn't.

I stood from my chair and stretched my arms up, hearing my limbs crack from being in one position too long. I walked out of my bedroom door, making sure to close it behind me. I don't know where he's been all this time but since it's been awhile he's probably with Joey and I know one of Joey's favorite places is the library. 

I pace my way over to the large entrance and not to my surprise I do find Joey but Yugi is no where to be seen and I can't help but notice Seto isn't with Joey. Joey looks up to finally notice me.

"Hey Atem, where's Yugi?" He asked, closing the book he was reading and stood from the sofa.

"I was wondering the same thing, I thought he was with you." He seems confused at my words then he looks a mix of scared and another emotion I can't explain.

"By the way, where is my cousin, I could have thought he would be with you." He looks a little nervous, not knowing what to say.

"I'm not sure, we should go look for them." He says quickly, I ignore his strange actions and nod, walking out of the library with him.

As we walk out, our search is cut short when we see Yugi and Seto walking up the stairs together. Thats odd, I've never seen them just by themselves.

"Why are they together?" I asked out loud, not expecting Joey to have an answer.

"I don't know, have you not noticed they've been wandering around together and talking more?" Joey asked and no, I haven't.

"I've been so focused on my work I haven't."

I watch as they stop at the top of the stairs, not having noticed us. I can't hear what they are saying but I can see the blush on Yugi's face as he bites his lip, a nervous habit of his.

I growl when I see Seto reach out his hand to ruffle Yugi's hair, saying something that seems to ease Yugi's nerves. Me and Joey were intensely watching the interaction between the two.

Yugi points to my chamber door and Seto nods, they bid farewell as Yugi walks into my room. I couldn't stop myself before I make my way up to Seto to get answers on what the fuck that was.

"Hey Atem." His voice is cold like normal and I notice Joey didn't follow me over here.

"Hey Seto, why were you with Yugi just now." I asked, trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. The way he obviously tries to think of an excuse annoys me more.

"We were... in the garden, I wanted him to help instruct the servants while you were too busy to." He explains which in my opinion, makes no damn sense.

"Oh okay," I try to sound like I believe him "why didn't you bring Joey?" I frowned my brows and tilted my head.

"I-ahh...couldn't find him, where is my puppy anyways?" He changes the subject quickly.

"Library." I deadpanned and without another word he goes off in that direction.

I watch as he walks off before turning to my door again, walking up to open it. When I step inside I see Yugi sitting on the bed waiting for me. When he notices the door opening he looks up, smiling to see it's me.

"I was wondering where you were." He smiles, getting up from the bed and walking towards me. His smile almost makes me forget why I was mad.

"I was talking to Seto, speaking of which I thought I saw you two walking up the stairs." I made my voice sound confused and I don't fail to see how his eyes flicked to panic for a short second.

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