Chapter 30

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~Joey's POV~

Atem and Seto had a meeting to get to today and Yugi said that today is going to be our day to hang out but I can't find the little rascal. When I asked Atem he said he thought Yugi was with me.

The hallways were empty, literally barren. I didn't seen a single guardian or servant only the occasional guard. I huffed to myself and made my way back to Seto's room for the time being.

When I was a few feet from Seto's door I saw Yugi walk out and slowly close the door behind him, trying to make as little noise as possible.

"Yugi?" I asked causing him to jump out of his skin when he just now noticed me.

"Don't scare me like that!" He shouted, placing a hand over his chest.

"Why were you in Seto's room?" I asked, pointing behind him at the closed door of my lovers room.

He looked hesitant for a second, not knowing want to say or do, darting his eyes back and forth while biting his lip. I arched an eyebrow awaiting his answer.

"We were...uh... Atem wanted me to..give him something, a scroll for the meeting." He spewed out after a few seconds of thinking. Does he expect me to believe that?

"W-well I'm going to go find Atem and tell him I can't go to the meeting with him, see you in a bit, bye!" He rushed out his words and ran off to find his partner.

Yugi was acting really weird, weirder than normal. I opened the door to Seto's room and immediately got attacked in a kiss when he saw it was me.

"I was wondering where my puppy ran off to~" he whispered seductively in my ear, nipping at my lobe.

"Why was Yugi in here?" I cut right to the chase by asking him straight up why my best friend was in my lovers room alone.

"We were talking." He said vaguely, pulling me towards the bed and sat on the edge, bringing me into his lap.

"About what?" I asked as he started kissing up my neck, causing shivers to run down my spine.

"About the meeting, he was wondering if you were going." Why would Yugi wonder if I was going to the meeting, we already decided on hanging out today.

"Did he give you anything?" I asked suspiciously, trying to push at his chest to stop him from leaving love bites on my neck.

"No he didn't, now let me fuck you baby boy." I didn't know what has gotten Seto so horny today but I'm not having it.

Someone was lying to me about what they were actually talking about. I pushed off Seto and stood up, but he was quick to grab my wrist.

"What's wrong pup, why are you walking away?" It sounded like there was a little anger hidden in his voice, his bulge was clearly seen through his robe.

"I'm just not in the mood, I'm gonna go find Yugi, we're hanging out all day today." I said, trying to hide my annoyance and stormed out the door, leaving him confused.

Yugi was leaning again the wall right next to Seto's door when I arrived. He quickly pushed himself off the wall and gave me a smile.

"Ready for today?" He cheered. I nodded my head and Seto walked out of the door.

"The meeting is going to last a while, I won't be done until before dinner." Seto said, pecking my temple before walking off. Not before I catch the glance him and Yugi shared as he walked off.

"What was with that look?" I asked, watching as Seto walked to Atem's room to meet up with him before going to the meeting room.

"W-What look?" He gave me a giant fake smile and I could tell he was trying to hide his nervousness.

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