Chapter 31

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~Yugi's POV~

"Look at the view." I point out, glancing in the distance.

The sun was slowly starting to set, the amount of people that could be seen became less and less as the minutes progressed. I sat down on the ledge of the roof and dangled my feet off the edge.

Joey sat down next to me and placed the basket of fruit in between us. I grabbed an apple and slightly munched on it. The silent between us wasn't and never will be awkward, we've known each other too long.

"This was a good idea Yugi, getting away from the palace for a day and just being free again." Joey commented, reaching out a hand to ruffle my hair. It shocked me a little at first but I warmed up quickly.

"I don't see Isaac anymore."

As the people cleared it was easier to tell who was in the remaining people, one of them was not Isaac however. There were still a few guards but not the one sent to look after us.

"You think he went back?" I asked Joey, looking over at him but before he could respond a voice could be heard.

"Yugi! Joey!"

It was the deep baritone voice of Atem. I look towards the voice to see my lover, along with Seto and Isaac trailing behind them. Atem looked more worried while Seto looked pissed.

"Oh shit." Joey said, standing up a little too fast, causing the basket that was half eaten to fall off the roof and hit the ground, catching the attention of the three men.

"Yugi! Get down here!" Atem's worried face turned into anger once he saw us.

I whined at the tone and looked at Joey. He visibility gulped and matched my gaze, there was no getting out of this. We slowly made our way back to the ladder and climbed down, at the bottom we were met with our partners and the guard we fled from.

I was expecting Atem to run up to hug me and tell me he's glad I'm safe but when I saw him he had his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at me.

"What the hell were you two thinking!" Atem growled out, crimson eyes alit with anger.

"How stupid are you mutt?!" Seto shouted at Joey who flinched because of how close Seto was to him, almost chest to chest.

We both looked to the ground, not knowing what to say because we didn't think they were going to be this mad at us.

"I'm sorry my pharaoh for letting them out of my sight." Isaac spoke up and bowed to Atem.

Atem have to take a sharp breath, trying to calm himself down so he could speak his next words without anger in his voice. He held up a hand to Isaac and spoke;

"It is not your fault, they ran from you. We can take it from here, go inside and eat." Atem's words were a little staggered from anger but Isaac nodded and left the four of us alone.

Once Isaac was gone I was greeted by another glare from Atem. I shrunk down, trying to make myself smaller and trying to stop the burning sensation in my eyes.

The silence between us was killer, I knew they wanted us to speak up first and explain why we did what we did but we couldn't, we were to scared.

"Do you two have anything to say for yourselves?" Atem scowled.

"W-we're sorry." My voice was hardly higher than a whisper so I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't hear me.

"I want to hear you say it too mutt." Seto said to Joey, his voice was colder than normal.

Joey merely turned his head, avoiding Seto's gaze even more. It was clear to see that Seto got even more upset and grabbed Joey by the neck, pulling him closer to where their chest were touching.

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