Chapter 12

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~Yugi's POV~

I still can't believe I did that last night. I never thought I would have the guts to do that to him.

Atem was in the bath I prepared for him and once again, the outfit I was wearing was really short on me. I don't know why I keep getting these short outfits placed in my room.

Atem walked out of the bathroom without a towel around his waist and I quickly shot my hands up to cover my eyes.

I felt a hand gently grab mine and pulled it away from my face "why are you shielding your eyes little one, you saw me last night." I blushed at his words because I knew he was right, but I was still nervous.

"I'm still new to this, I'm still shy about it." He let go of my hands, letting me recover my eyes as he got dressed.

"Okay little one, lets go to breakfast." I uncover my eyes when he says that to find he is dressed in his normal attire. He gave me a short kiss on the lips and we walked out of the room together.

As always Joey was waiting on me with Seto who was waiting for Atem. Out of the corner of my eye I see Aoba coming out of his room with Ryou.

"Goodmorning Atem." Joey says with a happy face on. Atem gave him a nod as he waved bye to us, going ahead with Seto like he always does.

"Yugi! Joey!" Ryou calls and runs over to us waving, while Aoba is behind him with an expression on his face like he's in a bad mood.

"Hey guys, lets go to breakfast." I smiled at them and they nodded.

We walked down the stairs with Aoba trailing behind us three. Before we got into the dining halls Aoba grabbed my arm and pulled my back, Joey and Ryou looked back at us confused.

"I need to talk to Yugi." I was confused myself but the other two just walked inside and told us not to take long.

"What do you-" before I could say another word he pushes me against the wall roughly.

"Why were you in the pharaohs room." He's face was hard as he held a scowl on his face.

"What? I'm his personal servant, I run his baths and make his bed, of course I'll be in there." I wasn't a lie, even before we starting dating that's what I would do.

"I don't know why you think you can act so close to the pharoah but back off, I'm going to make him mine first." I can't believe what he was saying.

"So that love letter you were talking about was for the pharaoh?" Why wouldn't Atem tell me about that.

"In fact it was, thanks to your help I'm getting closer to the pharaoh." He smirks and gets off me "don't make an enemy out of me." He then walks into the dining hall leaving me stunned in my place.

Once I regain my strength I go into the dining hall doorway to sit with my friends. "Hey Yug whats wrong, you look pale." Aoba gave me a hard glare and I chuckled awkwardly.

"I'm fine Joey, just a little tired."

Throughout breakfast I remained silent as Aoba kept looking at me, I felt uneasy under his eyes.


"Yugi what's wrong, you didn't talk once in breakfast and you barely touched your food." Me and Joey were in the library organizing the books.

Books were scattered on the floor all around us in piles. I looked down at the book I was currently holding in my hand. I haven't been able to think straight since Aoba talked to me but I know I can always trust Joey.

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