Chapter 41

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~Yugi's POV~

The morning after our wedding I woke up earlier than usually, Atem was still asleep beside me, naked of course. His left arm spread out of the bed as he slept on his side, his head tilted slightly downwards since it was resting on mine before I sat up.

I can't believe it. I can't believe he's finally mine forever and with the potion we took last night hopefully it will bring us more than happiness with each other. Hopefully we can have a little family of our own.

"Mhmm, Yugi~" Atem groaned tiredly as he reached around to try and find me once he noticed I wasn't laying next to him anymore.

"Right here." I grabbed him outreaches hand and held it in mine but it didn't last long when he yanked me down into his arms again.

"It's too early to be up, go back to sleep." His hoarse voice, which was deeper than normal, sent a shiver down my spine. He rolled onto his back and held me close as I was laying half on top of him and half on our bed.

"Today we can find out if Isis' potion worked." I almost squealed with joy. Wiggling in his grip trying to be released so we can start the day.

"Just an hour or two, I'm tired." His eyes remained closed throughout talking to me, like he was hoping he'd fall asleep if he kept his eyes shut long enough.

"Pleaseeeee get up!" I begged, dragging out the last syllable. He mearly groaned and hugged my tighter to the point of making it hard to breath.

"No." He huffed.

I pouted even though he couldn't see me, breakfast isn't until another hour and a half so I need to find a way to get Atem's butt moving before then so I can find out the results before the day starts, and I think I know exactly how to do it.

I crawl more onto Atem's chest, so my legs are now straddling him. I lean down to whisper "Atem." In a sultry voice, making him open one of his eyes in curiosity.

His stunning red eye looked at me and matched his completion perfectly. His sun-kissed skin tone glowed with the ray of the mix of colors from the rising sun. Ra if we have a son, I hope they look like Atem.

No words were spoken as I leaned down to press my lips against my now husbands. His hands found there way to the crease in my hips and gripped it firmly.

I subtly tried to rut my hips down onto his bare skin. His length already half half from waking up but it stiffened to full length when I rubbed against him.

"What are you trying to do little one?" Atem pulled back to lowly whisper in my ear.

"I don't know what you mean." I said innocently even tho right after my statement I was leaning forward to suck my love bites into his skin.

Atem let out a low groan and bared his neck more for me. While I was biting and sucking on his neck, I was also running my hands up and down his warm chest before moving down to nip at his collarbone and down his chest, to his V-line and lined myself up with his dick.

His hips bucked as I didn't immediately put my mouth on him. I look up at him through my eyes lashes and I can see him looking at me intently, no going back even if I wanted to.

I open my mouth and licked a wet strip from his base all the way to his leaking head, a moan breaching his lips. He closed his eyes and leaned back, his hands wounding into my hair.

He moved back on the bed so he was sitting up against the headboard as I sucked the side of his length while peering up at his hooded eyes.

"Now you're up, aren't you?" I teased, taking my mouth off for a second and replacing it with my hand to stroke him in a patterned motion.

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