Chapter 40

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~Atem's POV~

This is the day. The day I've been waiting for ever since Yugi said yes to being in a relationship. The day we are getting married.

The wedding is taking place mid day when the sun is at its peak. Citizens were already gathering into the court yard to witness us because bound together on the balcony of the palace for all to see.

Yugi is still getting ready as I'm waiting in the room connected to the balcony literally shitting myself.

"Calm down Atem." Seto says, lazily trying to help me calm my breathing. I think he just said that because my pacing was annoying him.

"But why if he says no, what if he doesn't want to marry me anymore?" I question myself out loud, pacing a little quicker now.

Seto stood up from his seated position and walked in front of me to grab hold of both shoulder and shook me forward and back.

"Atem, you need to relax, if Yugi is getting ready at this moment then he isn't going to back out, he's probably scared out of his mind too." Finally some calming words from my cousin.

Yugi was in the room next to us getting help from a few servants, Joey, as well as Isis to get dressed and ready for the wedding.

I was dressed in my bottom half so the blue stripe on them were displayed for my royalty. I am without my puzzle for the time being and multiple golden chain taking up the top half of my chest are in its place. My normal gold cuffs are placed on my legs, wrists, and biceps. The finally pieces of jewelry were my earrings an golden cuffs around my waist, tucked on top of my bottoms.

I won't be able to see Yugi until the wedding has already started but I know his outfit is going to be similar to mine, put in a silk sheet covering his face.

A knock sounded on the door, echoing into the room we were in and breaking me from my thoughts. The door opened and I saw Isaac enter the door.

"My pharaoh, Yugi dressed, are you ready to begin the ceremony?" He asked, standing straight as an arrow with a scroll in his hand.

I looked over at my cousin to which he gives me a nod and a very small smile, so small Isaac probably doesn't even notice but I did. I took a deep breath and looked back at Isaac.

"I'm ready." Determination clear in my voice.

As if the confirmation in my voice was the key, the trumpets started to sound outside the palace, being able to be heard from the inside where I was. I swallowed a lump in my throat and looking at Seto who nodded his head toward the balcony entrance.

On the outside, in the court yard, held all the citizens of the kingdom waiting to watch the marriage ceremony.

There were belly dancer in the center of the crowds to entertain them while they wait. When the trumpets sounded that was everyone's cue to look up at the balcony because the wedding was starting.

I made my way into the opening and glanced down at my people who cheered when they saw me. I raised a hand as a way of greeting. Looking down at the smiling and excited face almost calmed my nerves.

Isaac approached the overview and waited for everyone to quiet down before unraveling his scroll and speaking in a loud tone:

"Today we are here to bond our pharaoh Atem and his lover Yugi! Today we are receiving a queen and the promise of a new heir!" His loud voice bombed and the crowd cheered once again.

"And now presenting, Yugi!" Isaac backing away as the doors opened revealing a absolutely stunning view.

My soon to be husband with the clothing of his bottoms and loose top framed his curves perfectly and a silk like cloth covering his face.

My face went a little red at the sight of him, he looked like an actually goddess. He walked with flowers in his hands, just behind him was Isis, with a scroll in had with the written vows on them.

Yugi stopped beside me and we turned to face each other. Isis stood behind us, facing the view of the crowd, who quieted down as Isis unrolled her scroll.

"Today we are celebrating the bonding of our pharaoh Atem and his lover Yugi.
Bonding the heart, soul, and mind to one another.
Giving us another ruler to Egypt,
We ask the Gods Slifer, Obelisk, and Ra to please bless these two with long years and a happy marriage full of life."

Isis reads the scroll in a loud booming voice that I have only heard why she's yelling at me. I can already see Yugi's eyes starting to watch and no doubt I was getting close to crying too.

"Pharaoh Atem," she acknowledged me "do you promise on your throne and title, to always love and cherish Yugi until the day of your tomb?"

"I do, I promise." I spoke loudly so everyone below could hear as well.

"And Yugi, do you promise on your death and new title to love and cherish our pharaoh, and rule Egypt with just and kind ruling, until the day of your tomb?" She turned to ask Yugi.

"I promise I do." Yugi voice cracked ever so slightly because of the tears bowing running down his face.

"In the name of the Gods, I know bond you two as husbands, you may now kiss."

We didn't hesitate to lean forward to seal our vows with a kiss. I pulled Yugi in by the waist and smashed my lips against his, which he wrapped his arms around my neck, still holding the flowers.

The crowd below started to cheer wildly in praise of our marriage and their newest ruler. We pulled apart from the kiss but kept in each other's arms.

Yugi looked over at the crowd and throw the flowers into the crowd for a promise of whoever catches it to be blessed with a happy marriage as well.


After the after-party celebration which consisted of dancing and celebrating in the throne room.

Not to mention Seto and my other guardians teasing me about finally being married. As well as Joey and the other servants poking and teasing at Yugi, especially about the baby.

After everyone finally left and the sun went down the the perfect day. Me and Yugi finally got the chance to retire the day into our shared chamber.

Me and Yugi both changed into more comfortable clothes for the time being. The 5 potions laying on our side table.

"Are you 100 percent sure about this Yugi, if this works there is no turning back." No matter how blackly I want kids with him. I'm not going to force him into doing anything especially when it has to do with his own body.

He walked over to the potions and grabbed one by the neck of the bottle, popping the cork off the top.

"I'm sure Atem, I want this more than anything." Yugi said before putting the bottle to his lips and drinking the whole potion.

"Now I don't know if there is a time limit to when it'll active so," I said walking towards him to push him onto the bed "I guess we'll just have to go multiple rounds." I smirked watching his face flush.

And thus began our long night of many orgasms, a creaking bed, and the fact that we were probably gonna get yelled at tomorrow for being so loud.


I'm sorry about such a short chapter, I couldn't think about much to put in a wedding since I've never written one before.

The book is almost over, only a few more chapters to go.

~Soul xx

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