Chapter 21

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~Atem's POV~

Bakura hasn't shown up in a few days which is giving me the impression that Seto was right about him, that maybe be did take Yugi.

Everyday I send out the guards to check the whole city, even places they checked yesterday just in case but they always come back with nothing and I'm getting angrier.

"I'm not standing for this anymore I'm going out." I slam my hands on either side of the throne and push myself up.

"Atem, you know it would be best to let the guards do it just in case they're dangerous." Seto tried to push me back into my seat but I slapped his hand away.

"I'm going and that's final, I'll be back later." I rush myself to the stables to get on my horse who I hadn't used in a while. I guess if they are checking the city I'll check the outskirts.

I grabbed a sword before heading off into the barren lands of the desert. I don't know where Bakura would have taken him but I know he travels the desert a lot so he would know where to hide someone.

Ra if I wasn't so much of an idiot to think Yugi was lying, or if I kept a closer eyes on him instead of letting my guard down this wouldn't have happened.

I thought Bakura was my friend, that's why I let Yugi around him but knowing now that he turned his back on the throne, I wish I never put Yugi in that situation.

For the most part the desert was empty, nothing but sand dunes for miles. The sky was quickly growing dark, making the air around colder as it set.

The red, cloudless sky didn't stop me from trying to search for my Yugi. I couldn't give up and I've wasted too much time thinking that the guards could do it.

In the distance I could make out a small building that looks abandoned. It may just been my mind playing tricks on me because of how dark it is but I ride over to it anyways.

I dismount from my horse when we were a few meters from the building. I pull out the lantern that is in every horses saddle pouch for night riding. I lit the lantern and peer inside the buildings broken window.

It was deathly quiet and hard to see so I settled for going through the front door of the building. It seemed to have only one story but multiple rooms.

As I went through each other the rooms, trying to make my foot steps quiet as to not alert anyone if they happened to be in this abandoned place.

Every room was almost the same, with little to nothing inside but the thing that bothered me is that there was no Yugi. I sighed in defeat as the place truly was abandoned.

Walking back out my horse was patiently waiting for me and the sky was now completely dark, if I don't get back in time they are going to send a search party.

I don't want to stop my search for Yugi but I can't see anything in the distance now, only the lights lining the city growing brighter and brighter as I got closer.

The market wasn't full of people like it usually is in the morning, only the few who were still putting away their carts for the day could be seen, giving me a small bow when they noticed who I was.

The front gates of the palace were opened for me as I approached, jumping off my horse and giving it to a guard to put her back in the stables.

When I walked into the palace Seto was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a deep frown on his face, Joey standing to the side behind him giving me an apologetic look.

I rolled my eyes and tried pushing pass my cousin but he grabbed my arm before I could fully walk away from him.

"You idiot, you could have gotten yourself killed." Was all he said.

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