Chapter 39

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~Yugi's POV~

I can do this. I can totally ask Atem if he wants me to carry his children. He probably gonna be so happy that he could have a kid with me...

But what if he's doesn't want this? What if he says no because he doesn't want me to bear his children. What if he doesn't want my genes? I can't help but let my inner thoughts cloud my mind with 'what if' possibilities.

Right now I was stood outside Atem's door after my talk with Isis. I was so ready to have this conversation with him but once I walked up to his door I froze with fear.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and opened the door, causing Atem to look up from where he stood in the middle of the room. He was in the middle of changing clothes because he had his top half way on, showing off his toned chest and stomach.

"I'd close my mouth before you start drooling." Atem snickered, slipping on the rest of his top.

I closed my mouth that I didn't even know know was open. My cheeks flushed a bit at being caught staring but he'll be my husband in a few days, so I can stare all I want.

Wow, Atem will be my husband. I never knew I could even be this happy in life. I have an amazing future husband, great friends, and hopefully a child on the way.

"What's wrong Aibou, you seem to be a little out of it." I didn't notice Atem walking towards me until he was right in front of me, placing his hands on my hips.

I jumped slightly from the sudden contact and he quickly apologized, removing his hands just for me to grab them again to place them back in there previous position.

"Atem, can I ask you something?"

"Anything little one." He sets a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"So I was talking to Isis and..." here is goes, now or never, I need to tell him.

"And...what?" He pressed on.

"Um- she said that she could possible brew a potion that would make me, ah..fertile." I said using the same word she did. 

"Fertile? Y-You mean that you could become pregnant?" His eyes widened at my statement, obviously taken aback but the new found information.

"Ah-yes, o-only if you would want me to." I said sheepishly, hoping he'll agree.

"Are you kidding me? I would want nothing more than to have my heir with you." His face broke into a wide smile, bringing me in closer to his chest where I could smell the familiar scent on his clothing.

"How would you getting pregnant even work?" He asked once he pulled back.

"Well she told me how but we can schedule a meeting with her and she could explain it better than I can."

"Okay, I'm so happy."

I couldn't help but fall even more in love with him just looking at the huge, goofy smile that's plastered on his face. I guess I was scared for nothing.


"You get only 5 chances until he can no longer take the potion, it will be a normal pregnancy that last 9 months, not gonna lie, this will hurt a lot." Isis explained to me and Atem as we sat opposite of her in the study room.

After telling Atem about Isis idea yesterday, that's all he's been talking about. He's been smiling a bit more and hugging me at random points. He gushed to Seto how Isis could make me fertile and I could have swore I saw him give Joey a predatorial look.

"Are you sure you can handle being in all that pain?" Atem asked me as he reached to place him hand over mine, a concerned look on his face.

"Only if you can handle my mood swings and cravings." I joked, I was completely ready for this, I have never wanted anything more, well besides being Atem's husband but that's already happening.

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