chapter 3

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                        Virgils pov.

I woke up the next morning and my thoughts instantly went to the way Logan was behaving last night, I mean he actually seemed to care about me for a second... maby. NO! Why would he ever care about someone like me, a horrible, anxious mess.

I sit up in my bed and stretch my arms above me head only to since at the strain on my arms from the bandages Logan did for me last night, god I really want to far last night. I didn't want to kill myself,right?

I get out my bed and start to get ready to head down stairs and get breakfast as I didn't get to eat what I got the night before. I throw on my hoodie and a simple pair of ripped jeans before walking over to my dresser to apply my usual eye shadow.

With one last look in my mirro I deem myself ok enought to head downstairs and actually eat breakfast with the others. This is gonna be great.

I slowly exit my room and head down the hall way and as I enter the commons I catch a sight of Patton making breakfast for us all.

As I enter the kitchen Patton turns around with a huge smile plastered on his face "kiddo! I'm so glad your going to be joining us for breakfast today, were having pancakes!" he exclaims clapping his hand with the spacular still in his hands, I give him a small smile in return which makes him smile even more.

I take a seat at the table and wait for the others to eventually make their way to the kitchen as well.

A few minutes later Logan slowly enters the kitchen looking slightly surprised by my presence at the table but also looking slightly concerned as his eyes slowly make their way down to my arms "morning logan" I mutter bidding my arms under the table, Logan takes a cup of coffee offered to him by Patton and sits down next to me "salutations virgil, I hope you are feeling well this fine morning" he states with a little more meaning to it then Patton seems to pick up on.

I only nod in agreement and look towards where Patton seems to be putting our breakfast on plates ready to be served.

"Good morning everyone! What a joyous day this is!" Roman practically screams as he enters the kitchen and sits down opposite me, I only roll my eyes at his enthusiasm i mean who can be this happy on the morning. really who?

"Ah doom and gloom I'm surprised you decide to actually leave the hole you call your room and join the rest of us" I don't even bother to reply as he attempt to engage me in some sort of fight already.

Roman sighs before doing the unthinkable "virgil I must say that I am actually truly sorry about last night I didn't mean to go that far, I hope i caused you no harm" I could see Logan give a side ways glance before returning to his coffee.

"It's ok roman It's fine, I'm fine really just forget about it"  I swear Logan must be trying to burn holes in the side of my head with how hard he just glared at me, roman only nods at my statement.

"Breakfast is up!" Patton exclaims as he begins to set down the plates right in front of us before sitting down him self.

Once breakfast was over I got up to go back to my room only to be stopped by roman of all people "Hey brad pitiful I was wondering if you would like to join me in the imagination today!"
Was he for real. After everything that happend last night he expects me to go hang out with him just like that. "No thanks sir sing alot, I'm just going to hang out by my self all day" roman just scoffed at me in return.

"Now now kiddos, no need to be rude now" Patton attempts at stopping this on comming fight don't make much of an effect as roman instantly takes offence to that

"It's not my fault he wants to be boring all day and not spend it with me being awesome!" Roman exclaims once again sounding offensive

"Hey I just didn't want to spend a day with a jerk who thinks he can insult me one day and just ask me to hang out like nothing ever happened" I say slamming my hands on the table and storming off to my room, only to be followed by Logan once again.

"Come on padre I didn't even say anything that bad to him, it's not my fault he's sensitive" was the last thing I herd before slamming into my room and breaking down crying in my bed for the second time in two days.

Only a minute later I feel Logan's arms wrapped around me once again, I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and place me head in the hook of his neck and cry.

I just sit there and cry in his arms whilst he says nothing and just hold me.

Just holds me.


Next chapter is going to be in roman's pov and feel free to leave a comment on if u think I should continue this.


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