chapter 13

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                         Virgils pov.

I woke up and it was around 2pm but I couldn't care less as it meant less time I would have to spend around deceit and remus today and hopefully they will leave me in here all day if I'm lucky, but as always I'm not that lucky.

There was a loud knock against my door followed by "virgil we weren't nice enought to give you time to sleep in but don't get the hell down here"

Deciet. Nobody else speaks in lies like that but I think I'm going to actually try standing up to him this time I'm livibg with them because then mabye it won't be to bad "no thanks I'm ok in here!" I yell at the door but as soon as the words left my mouth I instantly regretted everything I have ever said.

"That was a question virgil" it was said so calmly but I knew for a fact I had just made him angry which is never a good thing if you value your life but at this point is my life really even worth that much?

I hear deciet's footsteps walk away from my door but I knew he still wanted me down stairs and I really don't want to make him any angrier then he already is... That would be plain dangerous.

I quickly get up out of bed and put on my old-i mean current hoodie and quickly reapply my makeup in a small mirro against my wall before heading out ol-room and walking downstairs.

As soon as I started into the front room I was immediately faced with deciet as he backhanded me across my face sending me falling to the floor, so much for fight or flight.

"Always disobey me a gin virgil, it doesn't seem that you forgot your manners while living with the light sides. Well worry because I don't intend to fix it" he said before walking to the sofa and sitting down gesturing for me to do the same.

I quickly scrambled up and all but ran to sit next to him, sometimes it's hard to decipher what he's saying but I'm sure I'll get use to it again.

A few minuets later remus comes down the stairs covered in blood, I don't even want to know where from, and whacks me on the back of the head before sitting down opposite me and deciet. I'm not dumb enought to try and say anything about it to him, it never changed anything before and I doubt it will now.

I start to zone out as remus begins to explain all that could happen if you started sniffing your dog's own butt (Don't ask) and instead start to think of the others and what they would be doing right now, roman would probably be watching a disney movie whilst Logan points out the inconsistencies and Patton prepares the snacks. It's not like they would waste their time missing me, I'm worthless, pathetic and overall just a huge mistake in Thomas's mind.

I'm forced out of my thoughts by being thrown to the ground by remus and kicked in the stomac 4 times "I thought I told you to listen to me when i talk emo! How useless are you!" He screams at me after he's finished and takes a seat back in his chair.

As I start to get up deceit says "don't go back upstairs virgil as you will be having dinner with us tonight,you don't rember the rules one of which is not you only eat if you respect both of us which it doesn't seem today you can actually do as your not to busy being incompetent as always. Now don't leave you pathetic excuse of a side" deciet finishes with a swish of his hand as if telling an annoying child to go away and leave him alone.

I waste no time in practically running back to my room and slaming the door, I'll probably pay for that later, but compared to the times I use to live here today was pretty normal and will probably get worse as time goes on but it better being here where I belong then back there where they don't even want me.

I wall over to my bed and lay down still in my hoodie and fold in on my self as I begin to cry. I deserve this, I do.

I deserve all this and more for being such a horrible, ugly mess and a burden to all the other sides.

'I'm so sorry everyone' is the last thought I have before I begin to cry myself to sleep.


I hope you enjoyed this new chapter and it broke my heart to hurt virgil like this but it had to be done. Please comment if you wish to continue,

Have a wonderful quarantine.


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