Chapter 33

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                         Romans pov.

I stir out of unconsciousness fairly quickly as I'm awake just in time to see Virgil jump off the ledge and take Nathan with him "VIRGIL!" I scream out in hopelessness as I get no reply in return.

I can't just let him fall. I have to save him... I can't lose him again.

I can hear Remus laughting above me as if this was all some kind of joke. What the hell is wrong with him. Summoning the last of my strength I throw myself up and knock his foot off of me, which causes him to stumble from the unexpected resistance. I waste no time in summoning back my katana and throw the handle into his head to knock him down.

Remus probaly didn't expect me to resist as he went down alot easier then before, he was gonna be out for awhile. I waste no time in rushing to the edge just in time to see Virgil falling further and further to the ground.

No no no no NO. This can't be happening, in a last ditch attempt to save him I throw the ground up to meet him all whilst turning the grass to be slightly bounceyer when touched. Being creativity had it's perks and I've never been more thankful for them in my life.

I look over the edge to see Virgil lying on the ground, out cold. I jump down step by step to meet him and let out a sigh of relife at the sight of his breathing, however as much as I hate to say it he's not my biggest concern right now.

Running of I make my way up to Remy and Deceit, who seemed to grow more hesitant at my approach especially after the defeat of his two team mates. With my katana in hand I charge at him with all my might and although I'm mainly running on adrenaline at this point I can't give up now, these guys need me right now.

Me and Janus thought for a few minuets before his stance let up and I knock him to the ground with a quick jab with the back of my katana, he's out cold. I turned quickly to Remy looking over his stab wound.

"hey it's gonna be ok, I promise" Remy only gave me a grunt in return, at least he's conscious. I needed to get us all out of here now and back home, with my quickly draining energy I shift the field around us and bring Vigils body over to us.

"Is Virgil ok? What happened?" Remy was quick to ask and if the situation were diffrent I would of laughted at his love for his friend.

"Your the last person to be asking if he's ok but yeah he should be we just gotta get back and fast... and I have an idea how but it's not the best" I admit quietly to which Remy was quick to reply with "It's the only plan we got" which was true.

I drag Virgil's unconsciously body into my lap and wrap my arm around Remus shoulders and with a quick "you ready?" Which gained a swift nod in return I used all my remaining energy and got us out of there.

I teleported us all back home and I only managed a quick glance to make sure we were actually where I wanted us to be before my lack of energy finally caught up with me and I quickly passed out.

The last thing I hear is quick footsteps heading right for us. Please be good, I don't think we can handle another crisis right now.


Im sorry to leave u guys waiting on the next part I was busy this weekend and didn't have much free time to write but I hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue thought I probably will anyways.

Sorry for the short chapter thought we are nearing the end so I hope you guys are exsited!

Have a wonderful day/Night,


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