chapter 9

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Virgils pov.

I looked up at Logan sitting across from me with nothing but a hopeless expression on my face only for him to mirro the same expression, we both had no idea what we are going to do.

Logan adjusted his glasses on his face before taking a deep breath "well it looks like we will have to fabricate some sort of plan in order to keep you safe" he stated

"But what are we suppose to do! We know now that deciet is after me and I don't think he's going to be alone" I started to panic, what was going to happen if we didn't think of a plan and fast.

"Neathier do I virgil, but as for a plan I have yet to think of a good solution to our problem" Logan slid his hand down his face with a sigh "this may take some time to think of"

"Your right as always but what do we do in the mean time, deciet can pop up at any time and we wouldn't even know what he is doing before it's to late!" I continued to panic as I realise deciet can come to me any time he wishes, I really don't want that snake face anywhere near me.

Logan took a moment to think of this as he briefly stared of into the distance "I highly doubt deciet will come back so soon after being caught so I believe that for now you should be ok as we create so sort of plan of action"

I sighed and stood up from Logan's bed "you right yet again Logan, anyways I think I'm going to head back to my room for a while and try to relax before I start making thomas more nervous then he should be" I make my way towards the door having only revived a nod from Logan, I exit the room and walk down the hall to my own.

I open up my bedroom door wanting nothing more then to rid this heavy feeling from my chest.

I head over to my bathroom and search for a little box hidden in one of the rabbits before pulling it out. My razors.

I keep these hidden around in different places in my room but I normally keep most of them in a little ornate box in my bathroom.

I roll up the sleeve to my favourite hoodie and put one of the blades up against my my skin before dragging it along with a swift movement.

At this point the pain barely affected me cause deep down I know I deserve this, because if I wasn't such a hopeless case Logan wouldn't have to waste his time trying to help me.

I make about six more descent sized cuts before turning on the smile and washing the blood staying my arms away, I don't even care about the pain as I only care at the lack of heaviness in my chest after each of the cuts was made.

I dry off my arm and head back into my bedroom ready to attempt to relax only for the door to burst open revealing our resident princey in all his creative glory.

I quickly hide my arm behind my back and give him a small wave as he enters my room and closes the door behind him.

"Hello virgil I've come to see how you are doing after the events of last night and this morning" roman takes the time after he said this to look me over only for his eyes to fixate on the arm I'm currently hiding behind my back.

"I'm doing fine princey I was just about to listen to some music and relax" I quickly say as I feel the panic make it's way back into my chest.

Roman sighed already realising what I've been doing "Virgil I thought you said you would try and not do that to your self, show me your arm"

Already knowing there was no point in attempting to hide it I slowly drew my arm out from behind my back to show him my freshly made cuts.

Roman looked at me with the softest eyes before telling me gently "how about we head to my room? I can bandage that up and mabye after watch a few disney movies?"

I smiled at this and quickly made my way to the door and followed roman out as he lead the way.

Once we arrived in his room he gestured for me to sit on his bed while he retrieved a medical kit from his bathroom, making his way over to me he nelt down in front of me and started disinfecting the cuts before wrapping bandages around them.

"How are you so good at this?" I questioned quietly seeing how expertly the cuts were taken care of.

Roman let out a small chuckle at this "I have gained several injures when going against the Dragon witch, she is quite the enemy"

Once my cuts were taken care of roman turned on his tv and started up the movie aladdin before sitting next to me on the bed.

About hafe way through the movie I felt my eyes grow tired and my brain start to slow down as it processed the event of the morning, I slowly laid down against princey's shoulder and closed my eyes.

If roman noticed he didn't say anything.

This ment nothing to me I was only tired after this mornings events. Right?


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please comment again if u wish for me to continue on.

The story is not over yet.


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