Chapter 24

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                        Virgil's pov

After playing with the others all day we decided to get something to eat as teaching these guys to play was harder then I thought but worth it, we all ate our dinner and made our way to the front room to watch a movie or two before heading to bed but of course the mindscape had different plans.

"Hello Virgil long time no see, did you miss me?" Called a voice from somewhere in the room and unfortunately I recognised it. Why him? Why now?

Before I had chance to answer Roman yelled out "Who are you!" Which sounded more like a threat then a question which only caused the voice to laught before answering "Of course you guys won't know me, well the names Envy and thanks for asking Princey"

I felt a stab of jealousy when Envy used Romans nickname, only we could call him that. With that Envy appeared in front of us alongside Remus and Janus, this was not going to end well. There Envy stood wearing an outfit I haven't seen in year, he was wearing his old grey shirt with black jeans and orange flannel around his waist with an orange beanie on his head. He always reminded me of some kind of skater kid.

"I can not say it's nice meeting you Envy, so if you would please leave that would be appreciated" Although the words were nice there was no denying the agressing tone to Logan's voice as he said this which caused the other to smirk as if his tone was funny to them.

One thing struck me as weird was the way that both Remus and Janus had remained silent, back when I was a darksides Envy was in charge but I at least thought those two would have put up more of a stand with him so as not to appear as just back up.

"Well now that the introductions are out of the way I came to talk to my precious emo here" he said with a sadistic smirk on his face which only helped to make me angry however it wasn't me who answered as I was beaten by Patton?

"He's not yours! He one of us and not an object you own!" I have never heard Patton use such an angry tone before and I would be lying if I said I wasn't just a little bit intimidated.

"How bad of you to defend him after everything he's done" Janus spoke up for the first time since their arrival but his attempt to anger us failed as Roman was quick to my defence

"He's done nothibg wrong and besides even if he did it nothibg compared to things you done you reptilian rapsacllion!" It was nice to know Princey could even come up with nicknames at a time like this.

Janus only rolled his eyes and elected to ignore Roman however Remus didn't "Brother I have no idea what your talking about! Besides we all know you guys have done bad things not just Virgil especially in the way you use to treat him!" The other instantly turned guilty which only increased Remus's horrifying smile? Smirk? I don't know.

"ENOUGHT! We came here to give you an offer and all this small talk is nothing buy distracting!" Envy temper seemed to be reaching its limits which is never a good thing, 'trust me I know from experience' I think as I feel the ghost pain of a faded bruise on my upper right arm.

Logan decided to be the first to question envy words " What sort of offer are you proposing here?" He questioned with only a little less aggression then before.

The mischievous look which passed across Envy face was missed by nobody as threw his hands in the air in a dramatic way as he told us his offer "It's simple really, you give us control over Thomas and we won't have any... Problems" as soon as those words left his mouth there were several shout from each of us,

"Absolutely not!"
"No not gonna happen!"
"Nope, nope, nope!"
"Yeah no!"

This caused all their smirks to fall for a second before reappearing as if they were never there in the first place "Well we doe have other ways to convince you..." Envy trailed of as he took a step forward only to stop when a voice screamed at him from the hallway.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM!" Remy I almost forgot he was still here, guess we must have woken him up and I have never felt happier that he did "unless you like to take a name for a few weeks" the treat was not to be taken lightly and they seemed to know this as they turned back towards us and gave us a look as to say 'this is not over' before all sinking out.

"That was close, thanks Remy" said Patton with a smile of relife on his face as he thanked the caffeine lover "No need to thank me but that was close and I'm sorry to say I have to actually leave for a little while to go check on my boyfriend but I'll be back soon I promise" no one said anything till I called out a quick "tell Emile i said I 'hi'" before he left thought the door.

"That was eventful" said Logan slowly as he look at the rest of us with a slight look nervousness which isn't normally accosiated with him on his face, and I could not agree more.


Hope you guys enjoyed this new chapter, please comment if you wish for me to continue even though I most likely will eathier way.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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