Chapter 25

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                       Roman's pov.

After Remy had left everyone was still tense after being confronted by not just Janus and Remus but also Envy himself, Virgil seemed to be the most on edge out of all of us seeing as I don't think he thought he would have to face them so soon after rescent events.

It was late at night and everyone seemed to be asleep except me but I have a sneaking suspicion Virgil wouldn't be sleeping tonight and would most likely still be awake, with that in mind I exit my room to walk across the hall and quitly knock on the emo's door

I heard a faint "Come in" before I opened the door to see Virgil laying on his bed staring up at the calling as if only recently brought out of his thoughts which I assume he was.

"Storm cloud I came to see how you were doing and I couldn't sleep after the days events and knowing you I doubted you could eathier" i say taking a seat on the bed next to him as he stayed laying down.

"I've faced Envy before, I use to live with him after all, I'll be ok... just a little overwhelmed I guess. Everything is happening so fast and we have barely had time to recover from recently facing Janus and Remus " he didn't look at me the entire time he was talking but I don't mention.

"I get what you mean but all we can do is try to deal with everything as it comes, I know for a fact I- we are not going to let anything happen to you. Your stuck with us now" I say in an attempt to gain sight of his signature smirk and smiled when I saw it, Virgil didn't smile much anymore and any sight of anything close was a victory.

Virgil gave a small sigh before moving to sit up next to me and lean his head on my shoulder "I just wish things could actually be calm for a little while, even just for a moment..." he trailed off with a sense of longing, I wrap my arm around his shoulder and pull him Into a side hug before speaking again.

"Life's an Adventure and any good Adventure has huge amounts of trouble before the warriors reach their happily ever after, get the life they deserve after so much pain and hardship. The adventure isn't over yet but it will be soon, we just got to fight a little longer"

Virgil continued to stare ahead and didn't say anything for a while till "You guys shouldn't have to fight this battle for me, I was the one who trapped Envy away in the first place. It's me he wants and you guys shouldn't get hurt because of Envy wanting revenge"

At that I brought him in for a proper hug and whispered in his ear "This is not your fault you did the right thing back then and you did what you did to protect Thomas which all of us are thankful for also we are fighting in this battle because we love you and we want to help you, were all in this together Virgil and nothing will change that"

With that said Virgil wrapped his arms around my neck and leaned into the hug which caught me by surprise as Virgil never normally resipocates physical contact. We stayed there like that for a long time as we just held onto eachother and for a short while felt like everything would be ok, it was in that moment I made a promise to myself that I would let no harm come to my precious emo.

"I will never let anyone hurt you again" I whisper into his hair not expecting him to hear me, which was when I heard him release the cutest of giggles before saying "I don't doubt that princey, not for one second"

I pull back from the hug to plant a small kiss on his forehead before embracing him once again, I will keep him safe. No harm shall come to him as long as I'm here.


Sorry for the late release I had some person issues to deal with this weekend and didn't have time to write the chapter which I'm exceedingly sad about however I will release another chapter this week to make up for it.

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry it's short but I felt Roman and Virgil needed some time together spent together, please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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