Chapter 28

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                         Virgil's pov.

We had all agreed to meet eachother in the front room after taking a break so that's where I was heading and when I walked into the room everyone was there but Logan, Logan was normally the first to arrive if we planned to meet and would scold us if we were late however I coudlnt see him anywhere.

"Hey guys has anyone seen Logan?" I asked making my presence known as I take a seat beside Roman and Remy "no I haven't and it's kind of strange not seeing him being here first" said Patton in a slightly panicked tone which seemed to cause the others to be put a bit on edge.

When nobody said anything Patton declared to the room "He is probably reading and forgot to check the time again, I'll go get him" with that he he left the room to head towards the corridor.

"Did you two come up with anything that could help us in our plan?" Asked Roman as he tried to lighten the tense atmosphere which seemed to have settled over since I came in "Not really but I know it should be easy to distract Envy as he literally will try to take anything that you have and he doesn't seeing as it's kind of his name"
Said Remy taking a sip of his starbies (seriously where does he keep getting those) after he finshed speaking.

I opened my mouth to say I didn't really have any ideas eathier only to be cut off by a scream coming from Logan's room. Patton. We all instantly jump up from our seats and race towards the Logan's room.

Nothing could of prepared us for what we saw when we got there, Logan was laying on his bed looking exceedingly pale and life less. It's was a terrifying sight. I waste no time in rushing to Logan whist Remy and Roman rush to comfort a screaming Patton, I check his pulse and let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding at the feel of a faint heartbeat.

Faint but there.

"Guys there's a pulse" I inform the others which seemed to help calm Patton down a but yet he continued to cry which to be honest I was having a hard time not doing myself.

"Babes it's going to be ok, he's ok" Remy tried comforting Patton but to no avail so instead he gestured to Roman to take him out of the room which he did happily.

Me and Remy sat in silence for a little while before his quite voice broke through "what happens to him?" I've never heard him so quite but the sight of Logan was enought to quite even the loudest of people right now.

I took a sigh before answering "A while ago when I still lived with Envy and the others I overheard them discussing what would happen if a side ever lost their ability to influence different parts of Thomas, at the time I figured they were just trying to jokingly go along with something Remus probaly said but now... I wish I had taken it more seriously" Remy stayed quite for a little while and moved to take a seat at Logan desk before facing me again.

"Do your saying he's not 'in control' of Thomas's logical thinking anymore?" Asked Remy with a look of horro written on his face which could still be seen with his usual sunglasses on, I look at Remy with a look of absolute sorrow before saying " No he's not but I'm not sure exactly how the process is done but I know another side can take over but with our luck I think we all know who's in control of that now"

"Envy..." Remy trialled of as realisation hit him but instantly sat up two seconds later "wait does that mean it can happen to any of us!?" I took a second to think on it "Yeah I think so mabye not you as you not a side so to say but the rest of us yes... We need to get to Roman and Patton now"

We quickly headed to Patton's room whilst quietly closing Logan's room door on our way out, once in Patton's room we see Patton fast asleep with Roman sat on a chair next to his bed looking nothing but stressed.

"He managed to cry himself to sleep, seeing Logan like that... really took a toll on him" Roman spoke quietly as to not wake Patton thought I doubt any amount of noise would be waking him up anytime soon

"Roman we need to talk to both you and Patton however we will have to tell Patton later as it can't wait" I rushed out which cause Roman to go from stressed to concerned I'm seconds.

As of now it doesn't look like anyone of us is safe but as long as we stay together we will be ok... right?


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please comment if you wish for me to continue, I felt so bad for Patton whilst writting this but it had to happen.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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