Chapter 32

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                        Virgil's pov.

This was it. After I had fi shed my mini nap we had all set off as quickly as we could and made our way to our final destination, my old home. All we had to do was get their attention.

"You guys ready?" I ask nervously as I look to both the guys standing eathier side of me.

"Let's do this!"

"We got this babes!"

With that confirmation I have Roman a nod before he starts to use his control over the mind to change things around a little bit, we needed to get their attention somehow.

We stood there for a few minuets in tense silence before they appeared in front of us, Nathan had a bandage wrapped around his shoulder from where Roman had stabbed him but otherwise looked as menacing as ever.

"Well I wondered how long it would take you guys to show up, never the matter your here now and I think we all know where this is about to go" Nathan called out with a calm expression as if they were having a friendly chat and not about to fight over Thomas's future.

"You can give up now and give Patton and Logan back what's theirs, it's not too late" Remy attempted to reason, as much as he wanted to fight them he needed to reason with them. Emile really was rubbing off on him.

"Oh yes I think we will be giving up anytime soon" argued Janus, forver speaking in lies. Well if those guys are anything it's suttuborn, I would know. There's no going back now, this is for Logan, Patton and Thomas.

"Well in that case" huffed Roman as he waved his hands in the casing the ground beneath us to shoot off into the air. Once we were in the air Roman used his abilities to summon us two swords and giving us them before summing his own katana.

"I've made it so the ground will change depending on where you guys are stepping or jumping it will change, thought you still have to be careful as Remus also has control here. You guys ever used swords before?" He asked at the end to which me and Remy both said "no" in unison  as Roman only rolled his eyes and we all tool off in diffrent directions.

The others also seemed to have a similar thought as they also had wepons in their own, most likely provided by Remus and each off them ran off to follow one of us. Remus ran off to catch up with Roman, Janus with Remy and Nathan with me.

I knew the plan off by heart at this point, nothing was going to go wrong. I hope. I watch as Nathan makes his way towards me as I briefly make contact with the necklace hidden under hoodie as a replay a memory of the other night in my head.

"This necklace I designed myself it should if thrown at someone trap them in a darkened like prison permanently, or until someone let's them out" Roman stays as he hands me a small necklace with a small crystal ball hanging from it "I won't be able to help you most likely so your going to have to make the throw but I believe in you Virgil. You got this"

This was they key to stopping Nathan and I can't mess it up, like I mess everything else up. NO. I can't he thinking like that right now, I need to stay focused. With that thought In mind I run forward to meet Nathan, throwing my sword in front of me to block off the swip he sent my way.

"This is quite pathetic you know, you thinking you have any chance of stopping me. You've all ways been a failure so why would that change now" stalled Nathan as he was slowly backing us towards the edge of the platform we were fight on however just as we got to the edge I rightly switched our positions causing him to topple off the side.

"I've always wanted to do that" I say to myself as I watch him fall only to be caught as a peice of ground shoots up to catch him and shoot off far away to the right. If this weren't so serious I would of joked it's like being in an action game.

I look around to see Remy caught in an massive sword fight with Janus and he seemed to be winning, so much for never using a sword before. Roman on the other hand seemed to be having slight trouble as he fought his twin, I quickly rush over in an attempt to help only for Remus to spot me comming.

With a wave of his hand the ground that had just shot out for me to step in crumbled to the ground taking me with it, a distance shout of "Virgil!" Is all I heard before I landed roughly onto the ground as pain shot through my chest, yep there go my ribs.

Apparently Romans shot caused Remy to lose concentration as Janus now had the upper hand whilst Roman didn't seem to be fairing any diffrent, this wasn't how this was suppose to go.

I stand heavily on my feet ignoring the pain in my chest and picked up my fallen sword before rushing off to help Remy. A quick swip at Janus's knees caused him to stumble giving Remy enought time to regain the upper hand and with a quick "thanks" I can off to do the same with Remus only for him cause the Ground beneath us all to drop causing me and Roman momentary confusion.

"Well look at this, the so called 'light sides' not even able to defend themselves never mind thomas" I look up to see Nathan standing above me from where I was layed on the floor only a few meters form Roman and Remus who were Wrestling on the floor.

A pained scream From across the battle field causes me to hastily turn to where Remy and Janus were only to see Remy with a sword sticking out his stomac "REMY!" I screamed out which only caused Nathan to laught.

I quickly turned my head yet again to check on Roman after I hear the slight sound of metal hitting something only to see Remus standing up, mace in hand, over Romans unconscious body.

This could not be happening.

In a moment of pure anger I throw myself off of the ground and towards Nathan causing us both to topple over the edge this time "I think it's about time you took another break don't you think" I called out as we both continued to plummet which caused him to laught yet again even as I pull out my necklace showing him my plan.

"Are you really that stupid! Even if u trap me you won't survive the fall!" He continued to laught as if this was the funniest thing in the world, which to him it probably was.

"So be it then" I replied in confidence as his laughter Insta died down and was instead replaced with panicked mutterings "you can't do this! You-you can't!"

"To bad" I reply as I push myself away from him mid plummet and throw the necklace towards him which instantly opened up with a puff of black smoke, I turned away a second and when I looked back he was gone and was replaced with Light and dark blue smoke which flew off to somewhere behind me as quickly as it came.

I blindly reach out for the necklace and once I have it in hand I whispered out a soft "I did it" before I made contact with the ground and everything went black.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I bet your pleased to know we are nearing the end of the story, unfortunately for me as I've loved writting this story from the beginning.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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