Chapter 22

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                      Virgil's pov.

We had spent a few hours talking with Remy over different possible ways to deal with Envy and the others seeing as he would mostly likely go back to enlist the help of Remus and Janus, After a while it all got to real for me so I made my way to my room to get some time away from the reality of the situation.

So now here I am now laying down in my bed with the song 'Ride' by 'twenty one pilots' playing in the backround "this is all happening to fast.." I mutter to myself as I fail to push think about the weeks events out my head. This is all my fault.

If i hadn't been so sloppy when locking Envy away he wouldn't have gotten out, the one thing I don't regret Is actually locking him away as it was what was necessary to protect Thomas...right? Anyways this is all my fault.

I had been thinking about this for awhile when I began to get the familiar feeling that I haven't felt in weeks and it was strong... 'Come on Virgil you and I both know the one way to get rid of this guilt' and I did but what would other think if they found out.

Cutting. I hadn't done it since I left here a while ago and if Logan or Roman found out I was doing it again then I don't know what I would do... i guess they just can't find out then.

I sat up in my bed and removed my head phones and pausing 'welcome to the black parade' mid song putting my phone away. I stand up and walk into my bathroom in search of a razor blade only to find them gone, all of them. I scavange my bathroom only to come up empty, where are they?!

After a solid 5 minuets of searching I become desperate and run back into my room to bed side table to remove one of the draws, behind which is one love razor blade I kept... just in case.

As soon as I grabbed it I rolled up my sleeve and pressed the blade up against my skin and make the first cut, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and let myself enjoy the immense feeling of release as all my stress washed away.

I made about 7 more cuts before I was interrupted by a knock on the door "hey kiddo are you feeling any better?" Patton... oh no he can't find out, not him it will break him to know what I'm doing to myself and I can't do that to him of all people.

"Ye-yeah I'm ok pop star!" I quickly rush out as quickly roller down my sleeve and look for a place to hid the blade "aww you gave me a dad themed nick name" he says with a some astonishment lacing his tone and as soon as he said that he began to open the door.

I immediately start to panic as I still hadn't found a hiding place for my blade. No, no, no, no, no, no! He can't he can't- "Virgil..." there was no mistaking the sorrow in his tone as he saw what I was holding which caused my to start crying despite trying not to.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me which begin to pull me to the ground, 'mabye everything will be ok' is the last thing I think before I close my eyes and sink into the comforting arms around me.


Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed it and are ready for an uncomfortable confrentation in the next chapter. Please comment if you wish for me to continue.

Have a wonderful day/night,


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