Chapter 12

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Virgil's pov.

I had been travelling for hours now and I was almost there, usually it would of taken longer to reach the 'dark sides' home but I knew of a few shortcuts from when I use to wander around the mindscape in an attempt to avoid Remus and deceit for a while.

I continued to make my way through the mindscape clutching onto my backpack straps in slight fear as I realised the true existent to what I was actually about to do, I mean I was actually going back to them!

But the 'light sides' want you gone roman told you so... wait no not roman, creativity. I don't deserve to call him by that name.

Shaking my head I decide that going back to them was the right thing to do as if they all want me gone then I definitely cant stay with them, I'm nothing more then a burden anyways.

I look up and realise that in the time I was having an internal debate with myself I had actually arrived at my destination... the 'dark sides' home.

gathering up what little courage I had I walked up the small flight of stairs to the door and knocked on the door.

this is it.

no going back now.

I wait a full minuet before the door opened to reveal Remus standing there with a sinister smirk on his face "well hello there emo, didn't expect to see you back here for a long while" he said dragging out the e.

"hey Remus, can I come back?" I ask quietly as if some part of me was hoping he didn't find it but to my luck he did. a huge grin made its way onto his face as he registered his face

"oh of course you can, me and deceit would looove to take you back. what did the light sides finally get tired of you and realised what a truly hopeless case you were?"

I mutter a quick 'yeah they had' under my breathe but yet again Remus seemed to hear it as his grin somehow  got wider. two seconds later Remus grabbed my arm and dragged me inside to the main room where I saw deceit sitting reading a book but he quickly put it down, he must have noticed our presence in the room when we entered. Remus dragged me into the room and threw me down on the chair on the opposite side of deceit before sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room himself.

"well well well, look who came didn't come crawling back" deceit said slowly as he looked me over, I almost forgot that he spoke in lies but at least it helps me decipher what he actually means easily.

I quickly started folding my hands inside my lap as I could feel both deceit's and Remus's eyes burned into me "the light sides kicked me out and told me to come back he-here" I explained stuttering at the end, I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes as I knew they would be filled with disappointment just as Rom-Creativities had been when he kicked me out.

Deceit's signature smirk made its way onto his face "well I'm surprised I didn't know it was only a matter of time before they didn't realise how useful you are" I would of been offended at that if it wasn't so true.

I only nodded in return as I continued to fidget with my hands in my lap, deceit's grin widened at my silent confession before reaching over and placing his hand on my shoulder "now I don't think its time to go up to your old room and not get some sleep, yeah" it was more of a command of then a suggestion and I wasted no time in standing up,  shaking off deceit's hand  and ignoring Remus saying 'night emo' as I practically ran out the room and down the hallway.

I stood in front of the door to my old room and took a deep breathe before entering, the roomed looked as it did when I first left the 'dark sides' with my nightmare before Christmas and band posters strung across the wall as well as my old desk filled with my old sketch books... the memories in this room.

well the few good ones at least.

I shrug off my backpack onto the floor as I fell face down onto my old bed... or well just bed now, and closed my eyes as I let the exhaustion from the day finally allow me to sleep.

mainly I wanted to sleep because I knew that if I didn't do as deceit or Remus said I wouldn't I would end up paying for it later

I always did.


hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and please comment if you wish for me to continue.

have a wonderful quarantine.


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