chapter 6

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                        Romans pov

The reason I'm scared for virgil is that when he normally asks me how the other sides are doing or asks me to tell other sides to come vist him and deciet it often leads to that side eathier getting panked or... worse.

"Why would you want to see virgil? I thought you and deciet hated him after he left to join us" I ask in reply to his question which seemed to be more like a threat, Remus smiled once more before before leaning against the entrance doorway. I walk up the steps to join him at the top before looking him they eyes to let him know I expect an answer from him.

"We could never hate our poor little emo! I'm ashamed you would accuse me of such things, what type of brother are you!" He proclaims gesturing to me, I had a gut feeling that remus wasn't telling me the who truth but I also know that remus would never tell me anything he didn't want me to know.

I sigh before yelling at him "well for one your not going any where near him as even thought I don't know the type of relationship you guys had when he was a dark side but I can tell he wants nothing to do with you guys and if i go near him you will have to deal with me! Secondly please get the hell out of my kingdom so I can clean up your prank again!" My face was red at this point, I already had an exhausting morning and I didn't feel like dealing with remus right now.

Remus only laughted, his smile never leaving his face "you feeling a little protective of virgil now are we?" He teased and I could instantly feel my face go redder if even possible.

Remus only seemed to smile more at my reaction "Oh don't tell me! You have feelings for him don't you! Oh this is amazing!" He proclaimed as he started to circle me like a predator does it's pray, but I refuse to be scared of him even if he just learned my biggest secret yet.

"What's it to you! Anyways please get your butt out of here before I kick it out myself" i yell at him once more all I get is a wiggle of his eyebrows and a quite "fine" in return.

But that felt way to easy, normally it takes alot more to get remus to leave.

What has he got planned?

~a few hours later~

After spending hours in the imagination slaying the Dragon witch and cleaning up after remus prank I finally head in to get ready for dinner knowing I missed lunch already.

I head down into the kitchen to ask Patton when dinner will be ready only for him to tell me to take a seat already. I'd didn't know I was gone that long.

It wasn't long before Logan and virgil entered in together and I was totally not jealous. Totally.

They both took a seat with Logan next to me and virgil opposite him leaving the seat next to him available for Patton.

Once dinner is all served Patton takes a seat and we all begin to eat in relative silence with the only noise being Patton asking Logan how his day was.

At the end of our meal we all got up to leave only for Patton to tell us he made dessert and he was going to prepare it. We all sit back down in silence once again before I decide an apology is long over due

"Virgil I must day I'm sorry for my behaviour at breakfast today and I will try to be nicer to u from now on and if i ever do something you don't like I want u to tell me"

Virgil seemed to smile slightly at my appologly before instantly going back to his signature frown I was afraid he wasn't going to answer before he said

"Don't worry about it princey no harm done and I appreciate that you want to be nicer to me" I smile at him in return yet all I get is his adorable little smirk in return.

Logan on the other hand seemed to glare at virgil a little when he said 'm harm done' but I don't really want to bring that up right now especially after Logan warned me to leave virgil alone for awhile.

As Patton returns with dessert he seems to notice the positive change in atmosphere and instantly brightens up and smiles at all of us, lingering on Logan a little longer then the rest of us. Mabye he likes Logan. WAIT MABYE HE LIKES LOGAN. I definitely need to talk to him now.

After dessert was finished we all made our ways to our separate rooms getting ready to relax before heading to sleep.

But there was one thing I couldn't get out of my mind was...

What did remus want with virgil.


Hope you like the story so far and please comment if u wish for me to continue.


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